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    개인차단 상태
    가입 : 10-06-11
    방문 : 2478회
    닉네임변경 이력
    게시물ID : music_52346
    작성자 : 가나다시마
    추천 : 0
    조회수 : 242
    IP : 115.21.***.160
    댓글 : 0개
    등록시간 : 2012/09/16 12:13:14
    http://todayhumor.com/?music_52346 모바일
    Limp Bizkit - Right now, let's go



    (Ya see it's one for the trouble,
    and two for the time One for the trouble,
    and two for the time One,
    one for the trouble,
    and two for the time C'mon ya'll let's rock,
    rock One for the trouble,
    and two for the time One for the trouble,
    and two for the time One,
    one for the trouble,
    and two for the time C'mon ya'll let's rock)
    Right about now, it's time to get busy
    one, two, threesee, shut the fuck up
    And bring that ballistic riff from the Bizkit Straight through the speakers with the
    [Hey hey] Check this future shock

    A rock revolution,
    punk [Oh my God] Here it comes,
    so shut it up
    You keep on talkin' we gon'
    shut your ass straight the fuck up
    Call the cops, look up in the stands
    Got another riot on our hands
    I pull this mic, straight out my toolkit
    To fix you wannabes that
    ruined all the music
    But nevermind,
    cause phonies never get it
    The phonies just deny it,
    cause rockin' ain't a diet
    Apocalypse now,
    who's talkin' shit now?
    Gimme the count down

    3, 2, 1 Rrgggh!...
    Here we go again Right now
    Let's go Me and you Toe to toe
    'Cause we can rock
    We can roll
    Here we go again
    Right now Let's go Me and you Toe to toe 'Cause we can rock We can roll

    (Ya see it's one for the trouble,
    and two for the time One for the trouble,
    and two for the time One, one for the trouble, and two for the time
    C'mon ya'll let's rock)

    Now I'm gonna fill up my lungs with some butane
    Turn the mic into a flame
    Damn that shit's hot
    Super heavy, built like a Chevy And I ain't really mad at the
    [Hey hey] My significant chocolate, three dollar bills from the cockpit
    [Oh my God] Round two,
    you ready for a break?
    You keep on talkin' I'ma break you off something like this
    Full throttle, better be prepared
    Comin' with the kick and the snare
    And a downright dirty,
    ruthless movement
    Why'd you have to ruin all the music?
    No stoppin' 'till we knock, knock, knockin' on Heaven's door Pedal
    on the floor Apocalypse now,
    who's talkin' shit now?
    Gimme the count down

    3, 2, 1 Rrgggh!...
    Here we go again Right now
    Let's go Me and you Toe to toe
    Cause we can rock We can roll
    Here we go again Right now
    Let's go Me and you Toe to toe
    'Cause we can rock We can roll

    I wanna tell you
    Tell you to your face right now
    Not really sure that
    Not really sure I know how Gonna try,
    gonna try Give you a piece of my mind
    Gonna try, gonna try
    And I hope you don't mind

    I'm a crack addict That's right
    I'm a crack addict You heard me
    I'm a crack addict I'm addicted to crackin' skulls when punks start static

    It's time to panic I'm addicted to crackin'
    skulls when punks start static (It's time)
    It's time to panic (It's time)
    I'm addicted to crackin'
    skulls when punks start static

    Here we go again Right now
    Let's go Me and you Toe to toe
    'Cause we can rock We can roll
    Here we go again Right now
    Let's go Me and you Toe to toe
    'Cause we can rock We can roll

    I don't give a fuck Who Talks That
    Shit Fuck Your Fake Ass
    All Talk And
    No Ac-tion!





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    푸르딩딩:추천수 3이상 댓글은 배경색이 바뀝니다.
    (단,비공감수가 추천수의 1/3 초과시 해당없음)

    죄송합니다. 댓글 작성은 회원만 가능합니다.

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