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    개인차단 상태
    가입 : 10-06-11
    방문 : 2478회
    닉네임변경 이력
    게시물ID : music_52346
    작성자 : 가나다시마
    추천 : 0
    조회수 : 243
    IP : 115.21.***.160
    댓글 : 0개
    등록시간 : 2012/09/16 12:13:14
    http://todayhumor.com/?music_52346 모바일
    Limp Bizkit - Right now, let's go
    <P> </P> <P><EMBED height=315 type=application/x-shockwave-flash width=420 src=https://www.youtube.com/v/U2AH1kr8sbA?version=3&hl=ko_KR wmode="transparent" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"></P> <P> </P> <P>(Ya see it's one for the trouble,<BR>and two for the time One for the trouble,<BR>and two for the time One,<BR>one for the trouble,<BR>and two for the time C'mon ya'll let's rock,<BR>rock One for the trouble,<BR>and two for the time One for the trouble,<BR>and two for the time One,<BR>one for the trouble,<BR>and two for the time C'mon ya'll let's rock)<BR>Right about now, it's time to get busy<BR>one, two, threesee, shut the fuck up<BR>And bring that ballistic riff from the Bizkit Straight through the speakers with the<BR>[Hey hey] Check this future shock</P> <P>A rock revolution,<BR>punk [Oh my God] Here it comes,<BR>so shut it up<BR>You keep on talkin' we gon'<BR>shut your ass straight the fuck up<BR>Call the cops, look up in the stands<BR>Got another riot on our hands<BR>I pull this mic, straight out my toolkit<BR>To fix you wannabes that<BR>ruined all the music<BR>But nevermind,<BR>cause phonies never get it<BR>The phonies just deny it,<BR>cause rockin' ain't a diet<BR>Apocalypse now,<BR>who's talkin' shit now?<BR>Gimme the count down</P> <P>3, 2, 1 Rrgggh!...<BR>Here we go again Right now<BR>Let's go Me and you Toe to toe<BR>'Cause we can rock<BR>We can roll<BR>Here we go again<BR>Right now Let's go Me and you Toe to toe 'Cause we can rock We can roll</P> <P>(Ya see it's one for the trouble,<BR>and two for the time One for the trouble,<BR>and two for the time One, one for the trouble, and two for the time<BR>C'mon ya'll let's rock)</P> <P>Now I'm gonna fill up my lungs with some butane<BR>Turn the mic into a flame<BR>Damn that shit's hot<BR>Super heavy, built like a Chevy And I ain't really mad at the<BR>[Hey hey] My significant chocolate, three dollar bills from the cockpit<BR>[Oh my God] Round two,<BR>you ready for a break?<BR>You keep on talkin' I'ma break you off something like this<BR>Full throttle, better be prepared<BR>Comin' with the kick and the snare<BR>And a downright dirty,<BR>ruthless movement<BR>Why'd you have to ruin all the music?<BR>No stoppin' 'till we knock, knock, knockin' on Heaven's door Pedal<BR>on the floor Apocalypse now,<BR>who's talkin' shit now?<BR>Gimme the count down</P> <P>3, 2, 1 Rrgggh!...<BR>Here we go again Right now<BR>Let's go Me and you Toe to toe<BR>Cause we can rock We can roll<BR>Here we go again Right now<BR>Let's go Me and you Toe to toe<BR>'Cause we can rock We can roll</P> <P>I wanna tell you<BR>Tell you to your face right now<BR>Not really sure that<BR>Not really sure I know how Gonna try,<BR>gonna try Give you a piece of my mind<BR>Gonna try, gonna try<BR>And I hope you don't mind</P> <P>I'm a crack addict That's right<BR>I'm a crack addict You heard me<BR>I'm a crack addict I'm addicted to crackin' skulls when punks start static</P> <P>It's time to panic I'm addicted to crackin'<BR>skulls when punks start static (It's time)<BR>It's time to panic (It's time)<BR>I'm addicted to crackin'<BR>skulls when punks start static</P> <P>Here we go again Right now<BR>Let's go Me and you Toe to toe<BR>'Cause we can rock We can roll<BR>Here we go again Right now<BR>Let's go Me and you Toe to toe<BR>'Cause we can rock We can roll</P> <P>I don't give a fuck Who Talks That<BR>Shit Fuck Your Fake Ass<BR>All Talk And<BR>No Ac-tion!</P> <P> </P> <P>찰지다</P> <P> </P> <P> </P></EMBED> <P></P>

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