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    개인차단 상태
    가입 : 10-06-11
    방문 : 2478회
    닉네임변경 이력
    게시물ID : music_40197
    작성자 : 가나다시마
    추천 : 1
    조회수 : 219
    IP : 183.102.***.232
    댓글 : 0개
    등록시간 : 2012/02/29 13:10:06
    http://todayhumor.com/?music_40197 모바일
    Shaham & Brandon - Bodyrock

    빡빡이 2명

    If you see a pretty girl point her out
    And say let me rock you
    If you see a pretty girl point her out
    And say let me rock you

    She's swagging, she's surfing
    The way she moving that thing, she got me open
    I see her, she's sees me
    The way she moving and grooving like its for TV

    Baby don't stop it, baby just keep it right there
    The way that you got me shawty i swear it aint fair
    Baby don't stop it, baby just keep it right there
    The way that you got me shawty I swear it ain't fair

    Make that body rock
    Make that make that body rock
    Make that body rock
    Make that make that body rock
    Get it on the floor
    Get it on the floor
    Get it on the floor
    Get it on the floor
    Make that body rock
    Make that make that body rock
    Make that body rock
    Make that make that body rock
    Do it like a pro
    Do it like a pro
    Do it like a pro
    (Get get get it on the floor)

    Uh oh its jumping, we feeling free
    She hit a two step, I did my dougie
    I'm fresh now, I turned my swag on
    Shawty we vibing, she said boy thats my song

    Baby dont stop it, baby just keep it right there
    The way that you got me shawty i swear it aint fair
    Baby dont stop it, baby just keep it right there
    The way that you got me shawty i swear it aint fair (o0o)

    Make that body rock
    Make that make that body rock
    Make that body rock
    Make that make that body rock
    Get it on the floor
    Get it on the floor
    Get it on the floor
    Get it on the floor
    Make that body rock
    Make that make that body rock
    Make that body rock
    Make that make that body rock
    Do it like a pro
    Do it like a pro
    Do it like a pro
    (Get get get it on the floor)

    Hey lil mama go and swag it out and make that body rock
    Make that body rock, make that body rock
    Hey lil mama go and swag it out and make that body rock
    Make that body rock, make that body rock
    Hey lil mama go and swag it out and make that body rock
    Make that body rock, make that body rock
    Hey lil mama go and swag it out and make that body rock
    Make that body rock, make that body rock

    If you see a pretty girl point her out
    And say let me rock you
    If you see a pretty girl point her out
    And say let me rock you

    Make that body rock
    Make that make that body rock
    Make that body rock
    Make that make that body rock
    Get it on the floor
    Get it on the floor
    Get it on the floor
    Get it on the floor
    Make that body rock
    Make that make that body rock
    Make that body rock
    Make that make that body rock
    Do it like a pro
    Do it like a pro
    Do it like a pro
    (Get get get it on the floor)

    Make that body rock
    Make that make that body rock
    Make that body rock
    Make that make that body rock
    Get it on the floor
    Get it on the floor
    Get it on the floor
    Get it on the floor
    Make that body rock
    Make that make that body rock
    Make that body rock
    Make that make that body rock
    Do it like a pro
    Do it like a pro
    Do it like a pro
    (Get get get it on the floor)

    이 게시물을 추천한 분들의 목록입니다.
    [1] 2012/02/29 19:40:49  114.207.***.103  Monotone
    푸르딩딩:추천수 3이상 댓글은 배경색이 바뀝니다.
    (단,비공감수가 추천수의 1/3 초과시 해당없음)

    죄송합니다. 댓글 작성은 회원만 가능합니다.

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