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    개인차단 상태
    가입 : 15-01-12
    방문 : 1881회
    닉네임변경 이력
    게시물ID : humordata_1888368
    작성자 : 대양거황
    추천 : 13
    조회수 : 2901
    IP : 218.232.***.40
    댓글 : 30개
    등록시간 : 2020/12/18 01:38:02
    http://todayhumor.com/?humordata_1888368 모바일
    구한말 전주 밥상
    • 펌글
    <p> <img src="http://thimg.todayhumor.co.kr/upfile/202012/160822307491993c150f944d4cb47ae9bc93ec828b__mn600785__w647__h431__f58053__Ym202012.jpg" alt="133883d43e906c.jpg" style="width:647px;height:431px;" filesize="58053"></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p style="line-height:1.6;font-family:'AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular', 'Malgun Gothic', '맑은 고딕', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', Helvetica, sans-serif;color:#333333;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span style="color:#000000;"><b><span style="font-size:16px;">1884년 미해군 조지 포크씨가 전주 감영에 방문해서 대접받은 밥상</span></b></span> </p> <p style="line-height:1.6;font-family:'AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular', 'Malgun Gothic', '맑은 고딕', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', Helvetica, sans-serif;color:#333333;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span style="color:#000000;"><b><span style="font-size:16px;">17가지 반찬 + 술상</span></b></span> </p> <p style="line-height:1.6;font-family:'AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular', 'Malgun Gothic', '맑은 고딕', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', Helvetica, sans-serif;color:#333333;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> </p> <p style="line-height:1.6;font-family:'AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular', 'Malgun Gothic', '맑은 고딕', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', Helvetica, sans-serif;color:#333333;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span style="color:#000000;"><b><span style="font-size:16px;">1. rice & beans(콩이 섞인 쌀밥)</span></b></span> </p> <p style="line-height:1.6;font-family:'AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular', 'Malgun Gothic', '맑은 고딕', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', Helvetica, sans-serif;color:#333333;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span style="color:#000000;"><b><span style="font-size:16px;">2. Egg, beef & radish soup(무를 썰어 넣은 소고기 계란국)</span></b></span> </p> <p style="line-height:1.6;font-family:'AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular', 'Malgun Gothic', '맑은 고딕', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', Helvetica, sans-serif;color:#333333;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span style="color:#000000;"><b><span style="font-size:16px;">3. broiled chicken(구운 닭)</span></b></span> </p> <p style="line-height:1.6;font-family:'AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular', 'Malgun Gothic', '맑은 고딕', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', Helvetica, sans-serif;color:#333333;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span style="color:#000000;"><b><span style="font-size:16px;">4. 3 Salt (?) pork(돼지 요리)</span></b></span> </p> <p style="line-height:1.6;font-family:'AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular', 'Malgun Gothic', '맑은 고딕', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', Helvetica, sans-serif;color:#333333;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span style="color:#000000;"><b><span style="font-size:16px;">5. Slices of cold beef(소고기 조각)</span></b></span> </p> <p style="line-height:1.6;font-family:'AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular', 'Malgun Gothic', '맑은 고딕', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', Helvetica, sans-serif;color:#333333;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span style="color:#000000;"><b><span style="font-size:16px;">6. Kimchi(김치)</span></b></span> </p> <p style="line-height:1.6;font-family:'AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular', 'Malgun Gothic', '맑은 고딕', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', Helvetica, sans-serif;color:#333333;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span style="color:#000000;"><b><span style="font-size:16px;">7. radish kimchi & red pepper (붉은 고추가 들어 있는 동치미거나 깍두기)</span></b></span> </p> <p style="line-height:1.6;font-family:'AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular', 'Malgun Gothic', '맑은 고딕', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', Helvetica, sans-serif;color:#333333;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span style="color:#000000;"><b><span style="font-size:16px;">8. Slices of beef in egg (?)(계란을 입힌 소고기 산적)</span></b></span> </p> <p style="line-height:1.6;font-family:'AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular', 'Malgun Gothic', '맑은 고딕', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', Helvetica, sans-serif;color:#333333;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span style="color:#000000;"><b><span style="font-size:16px;">9. Bean sprouts- cold & sour (숙주나물 무침)</span></b></span> </p> <p style="line-height:1.6;font-family:'AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular', 'Malgun Gothic', '맑은 고딕', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', Helvetica, sans-serif;color:#333333;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span style="color:#000000;"><b><span style="font-size:16px;">10. Salt clams & oysters(조개젓과 굴젓) </span></b></span> </p> <p style="line-height:1.6;font-family:'AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular', 'Malgun Gothic', '맑은 고딕', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', Helvetica, sans-serif;color:#333333;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span style="color:#000000;"><b><span style="font-size:16px;">11. a duck soup- radish(무를 넣은 오리고기국)</span></b></span> </p> <p style="line-height:1.6;font-family:'AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular', 'Malgun Gothic', '맑은 고딕', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', Helvetica, sans-serif;color:#333333;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span style="color:#000000;"><b><span style="font-size:16px;">12. A soft (?) of eggs, redish (?)</span></b></span> </p> <p style="line-height:1.6;font-family:'AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular', 'Malgun Gothic', '맑은 고딕', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', Helvetica, sans-serif;color:#333333;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span style="color:#000000;"><b><span style="font-size:16px;">13. cold beef, roast and fired in (oil?)(숯불 불고기 등)</span></b></span> </p> <p style="line-height:1.6;font-family:'AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular', 'Malgun Gothic', '맑은 고딕', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', Helvetica, sans-serif;color:#333333;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span style="color:#000000;"><b><span style="font-size:16px;">14. poached eggs(계란 조림)</span></b></span> </p> <p style="line-height:1.6;font-family:'AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular', 'Malgun Gothic', '맑은 고딕', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', Helvetica, sans-serif;color:#333333;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span style="color:#000000;"><b><span style="font-size:16px;">15. fish raw - salt and cold(생선 알? 말린 생선?)</span></b></span> </p> <p style="line-height:1.6;font-family:'AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular', 'Malgun Gothic', '맑은 고딕', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', Helvetica, sans-serif;color:#333333;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span style="color:#000000;"><b><span style="font-size:16px;">16. Soy(간장)</span></b></span> </p> <p style="line-height:1.6;font-family:'AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular', 'Malgun Gothic', '맑은 고딕', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', Helvetica, sans-serif;color:#333333;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span style="color:#000000;"><b><span style="font-size:16px;">17. ?</span></b></span> </p> <p style="line-height:1.6;font-family:'AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular', 'Malgun Gothic', '맑은 고딕', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', Helvetica, sans-serif;color:#333333;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> </p> <p style="line-height:1.6;font-family:'AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular', 'Malgun Gothic', '맑은 고딕', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', Helvetica, sans-serif;color:#333333;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> </p> <p style="line-height:1.6;font-family:'AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular', 'Malgun Gothic', '맑은 고딕', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', Helvetica, sans-serif;color:#333333;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span style="color:#000000;"><b><span style="font-size:16px;">전주 감영 : 자! 밥을 다 드셨으면 후식을 드셔야죠 ^^</span></b></span> </p> <p style="line-height:1.6;font-family:'AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular', 'Malgun Gothic', '맑은 고딕', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', Helvetica, sans-serif;color:#333333;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> </p> <p style="line-height:1.6;font-family:'AppleSDGothicNeo-Regular', 'Malgun Gothic', '맑은 고딕', 'system-ui', '-apple-system', Helvetica, sans-serif;color:#333333;font-size:14px;background-color:#ffffff;"> <span style="color:#000000;"><b><span style="font-size:16px;">조지 포크 : 살...살려줘...</span></b></span> </p>
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