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    개인차단 상태
    가입 : 14-03-14
    방문 : 1268회
    닉네임변경 이력
    게시물ID : sewol_11047
    작성자 : ohsilver
    추천 : 7
    조회수 : 553
    IP : 182.208.***.156
    댓글 : 4개
    등록시간 : 2014/04/21 11:41:20
    http://todayhumor.com/?sewol_11047 모바일
    정부가 왜 욕을 먹느냐. Why Korea government lose
    <div style="color: #222222"><span style="line-height: 19.200000762939453px">수능도 영어피하려다 망치고</span></div> <div style="color: #222222"><span style="line-height: 19.200000762939453px">토익도 하기 싫어서 억지로억지로 해서 겨우 턱걸이나 하는 주제에</span></div> <div style="color: #222222"><span style="line-height: 19.200000762939453px">영어로 번역을 해야 해외신문에 투고라도 할 수 있어서 억지로 발번역 하다가 왔습니다</span></div> <div style="color: #222222"><span style="line-height: 19.200000762939453px"><br /></span></div> <div style="color: #222222"><span style="line-height: 19.200000762939453px">곧 약속이 있어서 나가야하는데 오유님들 한줄씩 번역좀 부탁드리겠습니다</span></div> <div style="color: #222222"><span style="line-height: 19.200000762939453px">틀린 번역이 있으면 고쳐주셔도 좋고 매끄럽게 해주셔도 좋습니다</span></div> <div style="color: #222222"><span style="line-height: 19.200000762939453px"><br /></span></div> <div style="color: #222222"><span style="line-height: 19.200000762939453px">해외로 알리고 싶습니다</span></div> <div style="color: #222222"><span style="line-height: 19.200000762939453px"><br /></span></div> <div style="color: #222222"><span style="line-height: 19.200000762939453px"><br /></span></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"><span style="line-height: 1.6"><br /></span></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"><span style="line-height: 1.6">정부가 왜 욕을 먹느냐.</span></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"><span style="line-height: 1.6"></span> Why Korea government lose confidence from Korean</div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"><span style="line-height: 1.6"></span> </div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"><span style="line-height: 1.6"></span> </div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"> </div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"><img width="800" height="450" alt="1.jpg" src="https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/zjKga2zqmkQjZFG0wZjFA8v6-Ok_ULB6zdvEqasy4v6B6q2ynBrbQLN1UIfasoug2qIeLIYpqDPM4sBwuMKSRkBpKaXF2RiF8_1hj_TS1N4oVzWMM-zYK3-wKY-1HuclgrKC7M4pNjYQPNeBXyE=s0-d-e1-ft#http://thimg.todayhumor.co.kr/upfile/201404/13979905129MDSczMMNdWuYJ6n9T15vutQrrDJS4.jpg" style="border: 1px dotted orange; max-width: 800px" /></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"> </div> <div style="color: #222222; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: normal"> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림"><a><br /></a></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림"><a>박근혜 정부가 출범하면서 국민에게 약속한 것 하나가 바로 '안전' 입니다.</a></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림"><a>When the government has lunched, Safe is the one of promise to Korean</a></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림"><a>캡쳐를 보시면 아시겠지만 안전한 사회를 만드는 데 정부 '역량을 집중'할 것이라네요. 허허</a></div> <div><font color="#1155cc" style="font-family: 굴림; font-size: 13px; line-height: 1.6">In picture, president say the government </font><span style="font-family: 굴림; font-size: 13px; line-height: 1.6; color: #1155cc">focus on their </span><span style="color: #1155cc; font-family: 굴림; line-height: 20.799999237060547px">capacity to create</span><span style="color: #1155cc; font-family: 굴림; font-size: 13px; line-height: 1.6"> a safe society.</span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림"><a><br /></a></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림"><a><br /></a></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림"><a><br /></a></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림"><a><br /></a></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림"><a><br /></a></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림"><a><br /></a></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림"><a> <h1 style="vertical-align: baseline; line-height: 36px; letter-spacing: -1px; font-size: 24px; margin: 0px; font-family: Dotum, 돋움, sans-serif; border-width: 0px; padding: 8px 5px 4px">행정안전부 명칭 '안전행정부'로 변경...안전관리 총괄 기능 강화</h1></a> <div><a><span style="line-height: 19px; font-size: 12px; font-family: 새굴림, gulim">So government change a name of Ministry of Public Administration and Security to </span></a><a style="line-height: 1.6"><span style="line-height: 19px; font-size: 12px; font-family: 새굴림, gulim">Ministry of Public </span></a><a style="line-height: 1.6"><span style="line-height: 19px; font-size: 12px; font-family: 새굴림, gulim">Security</span></a><a style="line-height: 1.6"><span style="line-height: 19px; font-size: 12px; font-family: 새굴림, gulim"> and </span></a><a style="line-height: 1.6"><span style="line-height: 19px; font-size: 12px; font-family: 새굴림, gulim">Administration</span></a></div> <div><span style="line-height: 20px"><a target="_blank" href="http://news1.kr/articles/971651" target="_blank" style="color: #1155cc">http://news1.kr/articles/<wbr></wbr>971651</a></span></div></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림">기존에 있던 행정안전부의 명칭을 '안전행정부'로 바꾸면서까지 '안전'에 대한 기능을 강화하고 </div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림">They <span lang="en" style="font-family: Arial; display: inline-block; line-height: 17px">tightened </span><span style="line-height: normal; font-family: gulim">up </span><span lang="en" style="font-family: Arial; display: inline-block; line-height: 17px">security by change the name</span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림">관련 법을 개정하는 등 각종 재해를 예방하고 대처 능력을 개발하겠다며</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림">And amendments to the law to develop coping skills and to prevent various disasters</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림">'안전'에 대한 중요성을 무엇보다 중시했던 정부입니다.</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림">The government <span style="font-family: gulim; line-height: normal">made much of 'safe'</span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림">참고로 부처의 명칭을 바꾸면 내부 수습 비용만 수억원이 든다고 하죠.</div> <div><font face="Arial" style="font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 17px">By the way, If they change the name of department, </span></font><font color="#000000" face="Arial"><span style="line-height: 17px">the gulf of internal costs are </span></font><span style="line-height: 15px; font-size: 13px; font-family: Arial">hundreds </span><span lang="en" style="font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px; color: #2a2a2a; line-height: 15px">of</span><span style="line-height: 15px; font-size: 13px; font-family: Arial"> millions </span><span lang="en" style="font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px; color: #2a2a2a; line-height: 15px">of</span><span style="line-height: 15px; font-size: 13px; font-family: Arial"> </span><span lang="en" style="font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px; color: #2a2a2a; line-height: 15px">wo<wbr></wbr>n</span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림">그리고 사고가 터졌습니다.</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림"> And the disaster came.</div></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"> </div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"> </div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"><img width="800" height="450" alt="2.jpg" src="https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/Pdnd203Sm7UrdlPaj97irK4lm7lYX9uYlOBxv-hzfoOrE5CGce5fq3_MvIxVj1iJJV6EBp9o8V9OcfEdEgavaKPSBzd7rndAsLAlnTCT4dksvmyQj_ApIJjA6llt43ac=s0-d-e1-ft#http://thimg.todayhumor.co.kr/upfile/201404/1397990513v3C4CK6tBVWLBBjQ.jpg" style="border: 1px dotted orange; max-width: 800px" /></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"> </div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"> </div> <div style="color: #222222; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: normal"> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림">각 부처는 너도나도 대처 본부를 만들어 운영합니다.</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림">Each of many department make and run a deal with the disaster</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림">확인된 곳만 다섯 곳 이상이네요.</div> <div><font color="#000000" face="굴림"><span style="line-height: 20.799999237060547px">Checking place where the department has more than five</span></font><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림">부처들은 너도나도 '중앙'을 자처하고 있습니다.</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림">And Many of departments call themselves 'central office'</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림">마치 전국의 족발집이 '원조'를 내거는 모습이 오버랩 됩니다.</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림">어쨌든 이들은 각자 따로 활동하여 입수한 정보를 현장에 '경쟁'하듯 발표합니다.</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림">They reported competitively inaccurate information from separate activities</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림">그 결과</div></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"><span lang="en" style="font-size: 13px; font-family: Arial; display: inline-block; line-height: 17px">As</span><span style="font-size: 13px; line-height: normal; font-family: gulim"> </span><span lang="en" style="font-size: 13px; font-family: Arial; display: inline-block; line-height: 17px">a</span><span style="font-size: 13px; line-height: normal; font-family: gulim"> </span><span lang="en" style="font-size: 13px; font-family: Arial; display: inline-block; line-height: 17px">result</span></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"> </div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"> </div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"> </div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"> </div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"> </div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"><img width="800" height="450" alt="3.jpg" src="https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/CySrLrP8clGc_BKoU6s5yj18Qmgj-DdCk8GGLQhDx5oYlSjtOoJwNqIDs20KBJSq-w5GQ_MdSsMVEMZQnVx7vkp33wr-3naO46OcJX9F2gCa_ii6FSwzRigoNIisI_FShGlWuw4zIqZZApjDcQ=s0-d-e1-ft#http://thimg.todayhumor.co.kr/upfile/201404/1397990513n6sXugdiyHyVIwp4BbubpOS96vhZe.jpg" style="border: 1px dotted orange; max-width: 800px" /></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"> </div> <div style="color: #222222; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: normal"> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림"><a>구조자 수 번복만 몇 차롄지 보세요.</a></div> <div><a><font face="굴림"><span style="line-height: 20.799999237060547px">They changed the number of rescuers many times</span></font><br /></a></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림"><a>실종자 가족들은 정부만 믿고 정부 조사 내용에 일희일비가 엇갈리는 상황이었습니다.</a></div> <div><font color="#1155cc" style="font-family: 굴림; font-size: 13px; line-height: 1.6">Families of missing persons </font><font color="#1155cc" face="굴림"><span style="line-height: 20.799999237060547px">believed the government, they had mixed feelings of security and sadness</span></font><span style="line-height: 20.799999237060547px; color: #1155cc; font-family: 굴림"> </span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림">본부가 많으면 정부가 컨트롤타워를 운영해 각 부처의 중론을 모으고</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림">The government should run a control tower and collect information</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림">사실 관계를 신중하게 따져 상황을 전파하는 게 당연한 수순입니다만</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림">and report accurate information</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px; font-family: 굴림">너무 큰 기대였습니다</div></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px">But they shouldn't.</div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"> </div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"> </div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"><img width="800" height="450" alt="4.jpg" src="https://ci6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/5qGM_IikWyoa4R-RTOWhXdzuH35uestL-CrpzMZKWXX1Oy-JJZesntIzv5aCrlPCJewwQ82itg29_b0GK_BcGovHNyPddNZPiM1RUde7jQKVs_QYMx6908EqlNzGaV1C9w=s0-d-e1-ft#http://thimg.todayhumor.co.kr/upfile/201404/1397990514Cp6pJk4Bwtl3nYucE.jpg" style="border: 1px dotted orange; max-width: 800px" /></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"> </div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px">탑승자 수 번복도 상황은 마찬가지 입니다.</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px">Besides, the government reported the number of passengers many times.</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px">문제는 지금 수정된 탑승자 숫자도 정확하다는 보장이 없다는 거고요.</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px">The accuracy of the present information is doubtful.</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /> </div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"> </div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"> </div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"> </div></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"> </div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"> </div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"><img width="800" height="450" alt="5.jpg" src="https://ci4.googleusercontent.com/proxy/EnOtkgf06UDym8MNhI46X4kVbY1_ymT7g0J0zRjrUvzToP2A6FmLu_p16CM_fxHUfmGwGQUANQEuI9tjh23WA72AYzr_NUDYllXgDMrpQzyjRG3PYE25cD0UeqyO6xHbX6c=s0-d-e1-ft#http://thimg.todayhumor.co.kr/upfile/201404/1397990514ImPm1frdAiXSKTkKlT.jpg" style="border: 1px dotted orange; max-width: 800px" /></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"> </div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"> </div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px">딸 아이가 구조자 명단에 올라 실낱같은 희망을 가지고 딸을 찾아나선 아버지는</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px">A father of missing daughter on rescuer list had a paint hope and <span lang="en" style="font-size: 12px; font-family: verdana; color: #2a2a2a; line-height: 15px">was</span><span style="font-family: Arial; line-height: 15px"> </span><span lang="en" style="font-size: 12px; font-family: verdana; color: #2a2a2a; line-height: 15px"><span lang="en" style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 13px; color: #000000; display: inline-block; line-height: 17px">seeking out</span> her himself </span><span style="color: #2a2a2a; font-family: verdana; line-height: 15px; font-size: 12px">through sewer,</span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px">일대 하수구까지 뒤져도 딸이 보이지 않자 확인해보니 잘못된 명단이었습니다.</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px">but he can't seek out her. because the list was wrong.</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"> <h2 style="font-family: 돋움, dotum, AppleGothic, Arial, Helvetica, Clean, sans-serif; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px currentcolor; color: #282828; line-height: 1.6; letter-spacing: -2px; font-size: 24px">세월호 외면, 새누리당 폭탄주 술판 ‘충격’</h2> <div><br /></div> <div><span style="line-height: 20px"><a target="_blank" href="http://www.dtnews24.com/#1_View_sjpost:2014041912441731" target="_blank" style="color: #1155cc">http://www.dtnews24.com/#1_<wbr></wbr>View_sjpost:2014041912441731</a></span></div></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px">이 시국에 술판을 벌이기도 하고요.</span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px">뭐 이런 건 늘상 보는 거라 이제 놀랍지도 않습니다.</span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"> <h3 style="font-family: 돋움, dotum, sans-serif; margin: 0px 0px 2px; padding: 3px 0px 0px; line-height: 30px; letter-spacing: -1px; font-size: 24px">"교육부장관입니다" 귓속말..유족 '격앙'</h3></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><a target="_blank" href="http://media.daum.net/society/others/newsview?newsid=20140418194305120" target="_blank" style="color: #1155cc">http://media.daum.net/society/<wbr></wbr>others/newsview?newsid=<wbr></wbr>20140418194305120</a></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px">교육부 장관이라는 작자는 가족의 비명횡사로 비통함에 휩싸인 빈소에 찾아가 </span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px">기어이 유족 가슴에 못을 박고 줄행랑을 치질 않나... </span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 35px; letter-spacing: -2px; font-family: 맑은고딕, 'Malgun Gothic', 돋움, Dotum, Helvetica, AppleGothic, sans-serif; font-size: 26px; background-color: #f5f5f5">이윤석 의원, 침몰 현장으로 출항했다가 구설</span></div> <div><span style="line-height: 20px"><a target="_blank" href="http://news.khan.co.kr/kh_news/khan_art_view.html?artid=201404171142301&code=940202" target="_blank" style="color: #1155cc">http://news.khan.co.kr/kh_<wbr></wbr>news/khan_art_view.html?artid=<wbr></wbr>201404171142301&code=940202</a></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px">사건 발생 10시간 후 구조 상황에 진척이 없자 가족들은 해역의 상황을 보게 해달라며</span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px">요청했지만 받아들여지지 않았습니다.</span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6">그때 한 의원분이 보란 듯이 경비정을 타고 사고 해역으로 달리셨네요.</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6"><br /></div></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"><img width="800" height="450" alt="6.jpg" src="https://ci4.googleusercontent.com/proxy/n3HY5A5vnRRqxbO8_oQdu4nYeTXHRkvaaHWrIxTn8eHYr_PPQfj7IUjaDdRDpnHrn92qlxYOjhBgiSILMr3I3QK5LhbP1bF11f4PRbAedhnZRxbigBohOgfjzA=s0-d-e1-ft#http://thimg.todayhumor.co.kr/upfile/201404/1397990514hB8lZrGlhGC.jpg" style="border: 1px dotted orange; max-width: 800px" /></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"> </div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"> </div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px">체육관에 경기도지사 김문수씨가 돌아다니는 걸 본</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px">가족분들이 경기도지사님께서는 무엇을 도와줄 수 있냐고 묻자</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px">경기도지사 김문수씨가 스스로 '놀러 왔다'고 얘기하고 있네요.</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px">참 솔직한 분이십니다.</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"><img width="800" height="461" alt="7.jpg" src="https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/dtHsvgjSH5J0uWwL7OURUm9p57quwAi5WiTh1EfptxaGU_fQSsnvD7mJpnkxQ7UDP-PEIASsV9UdBvYRIk_EJHmb4cbgUHSRwJsRz3z-YG-BkixaIlLJiseda4fqEHWXFnU=s0-d-e1-ft#http://thimg.todayhumor.co.kr/upfile/201404/1397990515SQuqOA3L9rNQWxJZaG.jpg" style="border: 1px dotted orange; max-width: 800px" /></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"> </div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px">내일하겠다, 곧 하겠다</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"> <div style="line-height: 1.6">첫날부터 정부와 경찰의 말장난에 놀아나던 가족들은 이제 체념한 상황입니다.</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6">신뢰에 금이 간 지는 오래고요.</div></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"> <h3 style="font-family: 굴림, Gulim; margin: 0px 0px 7px; padding: 0px; line-height: 25px; letter-spacing: -1px; font-size: 20px">재난 현장에서 신분 감춘 사복 경찰…실종자 가족들 반발</h3></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><a target="_blank" href="http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?oid=112&aid=0002560015" target="_blank" style="color: #1155cc">http://news.naver.com/main/<wbr></wbr>read.nhn?oid=112&aid=<wbr></wbr>0002560015</a></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px">이런 상황에서 경찰은 사복 경찰을 투입해 스스로 불신을 키우고 </div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px">안 그래도 혼란스러운 현장을 아수라장으로 만듭니다.</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px">불펜에서는 혹시 모를 범죄자를 위한 방안이 아니냐는 쉴드가 나왔지만</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 30px; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: Dotum, arial; font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold">실종자 가족들, 청와대 상경하려 하자 사복경찰들 제지 '논란'</span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><a target="_blank" href="http://m.kr.ajunews.com/view/20140420002422309" target="_blank" style="color: #1155cc">http://m.kr.ajunews.com/view/<wbr></wbr>20140420002422309</a></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px">그딴 거 없고 그냥 가족들 감시용이었습니다.</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"> </div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"><img width="800" height="600" alt="8.jpg" src="https://ci6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/CWVnardoJFvLJI2jxqZM3sL_E-5L_o3zUAbQQxbZ94rlYfqQjcT-l9av2sGb7b3ME7np6zsQrpLJAaM6CpJG26r3l3iB_Mtd6KEz-4Sa4CGgbrWD1SeUjIZvd4Ni0JLeBiYy6bk=s0-d-e1-ft#http://thimg.todayhumor.co.kr/upfile/201404/1397990515jBiRsEkyYCIULrQQrqBBA.jpg" style="border: 1px dotted orange; max-width: 800px" /></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"> </div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"> </div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px">참다 못한 가족분들께서 청와대를 가기 위해 버스를 대동하려고 하자</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px">요 며칠까지 무능함의 극치를 보여주던 정부가 빛의 속도로 공권력을 투입합니다.</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px">참고로 사진은 서울이 아니라 진도입니다.</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px">길막하는 경찰에게 명분을 묻자 "밤이라 위험해서"라는 핑계를 대던 경찰들은</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px">역시나 낮에도 그대로 길막 중입니다.</div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"> <h1 style="font-family: 돋움, Dotum; margin: 0px 0px 17px; padding: 0px; color: #232323; line-height: 32px; letter-spacing: -1px; font-size: 24px">野 조정식 “세월호 사고, MB 규제완화 때문”</h1></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><a target="_blank" href="http://news.donga.com/Main/3/all/20140418/62864359/1" target="_blank" style="color: #1155cc">http://news.donga.com/Main/3/<wbr></wbr>all/20140418/62864359/1</a></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"> <h3 style="font-family: 돋움, Dotum, Verdana, Arial, AppleGothic, sans-serif; margin: 0px; padding: 0px 20px; line-height: 1.3; letter-spacing: -0.1em; font-size: 24px">MB 때 ‘규제 완화’ 안했으면 ‘세월호 참사’ 없었다</h3></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><a target="_blank" href="http://hani.co.kr/arti/society/society_general/633469.html?_fr=mt2" target="_blank" style="color: #1155cc">http://hani.co.kr/arti/<wbr></wbr>society/society_general/<wbr></wbr>633469.html?_fr=mt2</a></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px">어쩌면 이번 사고는 막을 수도 있었습니다.</span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px">MB 정부가 잃어버린 10년을 운운하며 </span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px">노무현 정부 당시 수립해 놓은 각종 재난대비 대책과 메뉴얼을 폐지했거든요.</span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px">메뉴얼이 살아 있었다면 세월호는 이미 폐선되고도 남을 선박이었던 거죠.</span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px">만일 박근혜 정부가 진정 '안전' 제도 쇄신을 생각했더라면</span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px">MB 정부 때 사라진 재난대비 메뉴얼을 살리거나 보강을 했어야 합니다.</span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px">현실은 보강은커녕 또 다른 '규제 완화'를 불과 얼마 전 외치고 있던 박근혜 정부 입니다. </span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px"><br /></span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><span style="line-height: 20px">박근혜 정부의 '안전쇼'는 그냥 보여주기 식이었다는 것이 명백해졌습니다.</span></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="line-height: 1.6; 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max-width: 800px" /></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"><br /> </div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px">말 그대로 입니다.</div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px">누구 하나 책임지고 말하는 사람도 없습니다.</div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px">책임을 지기 싫으니까요.</div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px">정부가 왜 욕을 먹느냐는 분들께 반문하고 싶습니다.</div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px">이 모든 상황을 보고도 정부가 욕을 안 먹는다면 그게 더 이상한 게 아닐지요?</div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><br /></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><a><br /></a></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><a><br /></a></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><a><br /></a></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><a><br /></a></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><a><br /></a></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><a><br /></a></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><a><br /></a></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><a><br /></a></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><a><br /></a></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><a><br /></a></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><a><br /></a></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><a><br /></a></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 1.6; font-size: 13px"><a><br /></a></div> <div style="color: #222222; line-height: 21.600000381469727px"></div> <div style="color: #222222; 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