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    개인차단 상태
    가입 : 13-06-30
    방문 : 2631회
    닉네임변경 이력
    게시물ID : music_159127
    작성자 : triumphjjm
    추천 : 2
    조회수 : 330
    IP : 125.183.***.233
    댓글 : 4개
    등록시간 : 2019/04/11 20:50:09
    http://todayhumor.com/?music_159127 모바일

    내가 좋아하는 음악414

    - Crazy Town

    Come my lady Come come my lady
    You're my butterfly Sugar baby
    Come my lady Come come my lady
    You're my butterfly Sugar baby
    Such a sexy sexy pretty little thing
    Fierce nipple pierce
    You got me sprung with
    your tongue ring
    And I ain't gonna lie cause your
    loving gets me high
    So to keep you by my side
    There's nothing that I won't try
    Butterflies in her eyes and
    looks to kill
    Time is passing
    I'm asking could this be real
    Cause I can't sleep
    I can't hold still
    The only thing I really know
    is she got sex appeal
    I can feel too much is never enough
    You're always there to lift me up
    When these times get rough
    I was lost now I'm found
    Ever since you've been around
    You're the women that I want
    So yo I'm putting it down
    Come my lady come come my lady
    You're my butterfly sugar baby
    Come my lady you're my pretty baby
    I'll make your legs shake
    you make me go crazy
    Come my lady come come my lady
    You're my butterfly sugar baby
    Come my lady you're my pretty baby
    I'll make your legs shake
    you make me go crazy
    I don't deserve you
    Unless it's some kind of
    hidden message
    To show me life is precious
    Then I guess it's true
    To tell truth
    I really never knew 'til
    I met you
    I was lost and confused
    Twisted and used up
    Knew a better life existed
    but thought that I missed it
    My lifestyle's wild
    I was living like a wild child
    Trapped on a short leash
    Paroled the police files
    And yo what's happening now
    I see the sun breaking
    Shining through dark clouds
    And a vision of you standing
    out in a crowd
    Come my lady come come my lady
    You're my butterfly sugar baby
    Come my lady you're my pretty baby
    I'll make your legs shake
    you make me go crazy
    Come my lady come come my lady
    You're my butterfly sugar baby
    Come my lady you're my pretty baby
    I'll make your legs shake
    you make me go crazy
    Hey sugar momma
    come and dance with me
    The smartest thing you ever
    did was take a chance with me
    So whatever tickles your fancy
    Girl it's you like Sid and Nancy
    So sexy almost evil
    Talkin about butterflies in my head
    I used to think happy endings
    were only in the books I read
    But you made me feel alive when
    I was almost dead
    You filled that empty space
    with the love I used to chase
    And as far as I can see
    it don't get better than this
    So butterfly here is a song
    And it's sealed with a kiss
    and a thank you miss
    Come dance with me
    Come dance with me
    Come dance with me
    So come dance with me aha aha
    Come my lady come come my lady
    You're my butterfly sugar baby
    Come my lady you're my pretty baby
    I'll make your legs shake
    you make me go crazy
    Come my lady come come my lady
    You're my butterfly sugar baby
    Come my lady you're my pretty baby
    I'll make your legs shake
    you make me go crazy
    Come my lady come come my lady
    You're my butterfly sugar baby
    Come my lady you're my pretty baby
    I'll make your legs shake
    you make me go crazy
    Come my lady come come my lady
    You're my butterfly sugar baby
    Come my lady you're my pretty baby
    I'll make your legs shake
    you make me go crazy
    Come dance with me
    Come dance with me
    Come dance with me
    Come dance with me aha aha
    Come dance with me
    Come dance with me
    Come dance with me
    Come dance with me
    Come dance with me
    Come dance with me
    Come dance with me
    Come dance with me

    이 게시물을 추천한 분들의 목록입니다.
    [1] 2019/04/12 09:49:59  59.2.***.51  사과나무길  563040
    [2] 2019/04/12 18:58:45  125.143.***.165  댓글만비공감  562654
    푸르딩딩:추천수 3이상 댓글은 배경색이 바뀝니다.
    (단,비공감수가 추천수의 1/3 초과시 해당없음)

    죄송합니다. 댓글 작성은 회원만 가능합니다.

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