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    개인차단 상태
    가입 : 13-06-03
    방문 : 1300회
    닉네임변경 이력
    게시물ID : gametalk_95021
    작성자 : Save
    추천 : 1
    조회수 : 816
    IP : 124.53.***.139
    댓글 : 2개
    등록시간 : 2013/08/30 10:26:02
    http://todayhumor.com/?gametalk_95021 모바일
    [패치노트] 인페스테이션 8월 28일 ~ 8월 29일자
    <div>[8월 28일자 패치노트]</div> <div><br /></div> <div><span style="font-size: 18px"><strong>New Additions</strong></span><br /></div> <div></div> <div><br /></div> <ul><br /> <li>All public game servers are now 100 player servers (official, trial, premium, veteran). <br /></li> <li>Lowered the amount of public game servers. Servers that we removed will have their lockboxes removed and place into the players GI. If your server was not removed the lockbox will remain on that server. <br /></li> <li>Added Trial servers for trial accounts. Ask you friends to join the game at <a class="bbc_url" title="External link" href="http://www.todayhumor.co.kr/board/%3Ca%20href=" target="_blank" #getgame?="" infestationmmo.com="" http:="">http://infestationmmo.com/#getgame</a>" rel="nofollow external" target="_blank">http://infestationmmo.com/#getgame <br /> <ul><br /> <li>Trial account limitations <br /> <ul><br /> <li>Can only play on Trial Account servers. <br /></li> <li>Unable to create clans <br /></li> <li>1 character slot. <br /></li> <li>No GC discount.</li></ul></li></ul><br /></li> <li>Added Premium Servers <br /> <ul><br /> <li><br /> <div>Access to special high loot servers</div><br /></li> <li><br /> <div>Double XP</div><br /></li> <li><br /> <div>Double Game Dollars</div><br /></li> <li><br /> <div>30 GC every day you login into the game (so in theory by logging in every day you can get back 900gc)</div><br /></li> <li><br /> <div>Price of premium account for 30 days is 1650 GC</div></li></ul><br /></li> <li><br /> <div>Added Veteran Servers</div><br /> <ul><br /> <li><br /> <div>20 hours of play time is required to join these servers.</div></li></ul><br /></li> <li><br /> <div>Marketplace</div><br /> <ul><br /> <li><br /> <div>Removed buy GC button, instead you can now click on your GC balance (it is a button now) and buy GC that way.</div><br /></li> <li><br /> <div>You can now click on Game Dollars balance and convert your GC to Game Dollars.</div></li></ul><br /></li> <li><br /> <div>Adjusted Chem Lights and Flares so if a Zombie has line of sight of the player they will run to the player. </div><br /></li> <li><br /> <div>The Threat Indicator has been improved to more clearly indicate how safe you are from nearby zombies. Now the Threat Indicator will transition from Green to Red as you get nearer and more susceptible to zombies.</div><br /></li> <li><br /> <div>Added a cooldown to using food/water. This is on a separate cooldown from meds. </div><br /></li> <li><br /> <div>Added a message to the chat window that tells you what server you connected to. </div><br /></li> <li><br /> <div>When players die they will now leave a gravestone where they died. If you interact with the gravestone you can see who killed that player. </div><br /></li> <li>All Assault Rifles and Sniper Rifles have had their ranges reduced based on feedback from the community. <br /></li> <li><br /> <div>Bandages stacks raised from 1 to 3</div><br /></li> <li><br /> <div>Bandages DX stacks lowered from 5 to 3</div><br /></li> <li><br /> <div>Coconut Water stacks reduced from 5 to 1</div><br /></li> <li><br /> <div>Energy Drink stacks reduced from 5 to 1</div><br /></li> <li><br /> <div>Electro Aid stacks reduced from 5 to 1</div></li></ul> <div><br /></div> <div><span style="font-size: 18px"><strong>Bug Fixes</strong></span></div> <div><br /></div> <ul><br /> <li>Removed Recent/Favorites tab as they did not work properly. We will return the tab once the bugs have been fixed. <br /></li> <li>Fixed a bug that allowed zombies to hit players on high surfaces. <br /></li> <li>Fixed some floating objects in the tunnel near oak mountain rest stop. <br /></li> <li>Fixed a hole in the mountain near oak mountain rest stop. <br /></li> <li>Fixed an exploit that allowed players to disable grass in local.ini. <br /></li> <li>Fixed a bug with lawmen killing civs and getting the wrong reputation. <br /></li> <li>Fixed a bug that would allow users to change to small backpacks with greater weight than the backpack could carry. <br /></li> <li>Fixed a bug that allowed zombies to clip into each other in certain situations. Still working on all situations. <br /></li> <li>Fixed a bug with meds that allowed the med to be used on other players when on cooldown. <br /></li> <li>Fixed a missing sandbag in Norad that made it so players could not get on a rooftop. <br /></li> <li>Fixed a bug that was not spawning STI Eagle ammo.</li></ul> <div><br /></div> <div>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</div> <div><br /></div> <div></div> <div><br /></div> <div><중요한 것 요약></div> <div><br /></div> <div>1. 모든 서버를 100개로 축소(기존 200여개 서버가 존재했습니다.)</div> <div>-이걸로 서버렉이 조금 줄어들고 유저 수가 늘어날 것 같습니다.<br /></div> <div>-기존에는 많은곳은 50여명이고 적은 곳은 3명 정도였습니다.</div> <div> </div> <div><span title="Ask you friends to join the game at <a target="_blank" href=" target="_blank" #getgame?="" infestationmmo.com="" http:="">2. <a target="_blank" href="http://infestationmmo.com/" target="_blank">http://infestationmmo.com/</a> # getgame 에서 평가판 계정을 생성하여 플레이 할 수 있습니다.</span></div> <div><span title="Ask you friends to join the game at <a target="_blank" href=" target="_blank" #getgame?="" infestationmmo.com="" http:="">-단, 전용 서버에서만 플레이 가능, 클랜 생성 불가, 캐릭터 1개 제한, GC할인 불가</span></div> <div><span title="Ask you friends to join the game at <a target="_blank" href=" target="_blank" #getgame?="" infestationmmo.com="" http:="">-그냥 데모버전 플레이 정도로 보면 될 것 같습니다. 그래도 저 정도 제약은 크게 문제될 게 없습니다.</span></div> <div><br /></div> <div><span title="Ask you friends to join the game at <a target="_blank" href=" target="_blank" #getgame?="" infestationmmo.com="" http:="">3. 프리미엄 서버 추가</span></div> <div><span title="Ask you friends to join the game at <a target="_blank" href=" target="_blank" #getgame?="" infestationmmo.com="" http:="">-경험치, 돈 습득량 상승, 매일 30GC를 습득(이론상 900GC까지 획득가능) 가능합니다.</span></div> <div><span title="Ask you friends to join the game at <a target="_blank" href=" target="_blank" #getgame?="" infestationmmo.com="" http:="">-프리미엄 서버 생성비용은 1650GC 이며, 잠금을 설정하여 원하는 사람들과 플레이 가능합니다.</span></div> <div><span title="Ask you friends to join the game at <a target="_blank" href=" target="_blank" #getgame?="" infestationmmo.com="" http:=""></span> </div> <div><span title="Ask you friends to join the game at <a target="_blank" href=" target="_blank" #getgame?="" infestationmmo.com="" http:="">4. 베테랑 서버 추가</span></div> <div><span title="Ask you friends to join the game at <a target="_blank" href=" target="_blank" #getgame?="" infestationmmo.com="" http:="">-해당 서버에 대한 정보는 모르겠네요.</span></div> <div><br /></div> <div><span title="Ask you friends to join the game at <a target="_blank" href=" target="_blank" #getgame?="" infestationmmo.com="" http:="">5. 마켓의 GC사용방법 변경</span></div> <div><span title="Ask you friends to join the game at <a target="_blank" href=" target="_blank" #getgame?="" infestationmmo.com="" http:="">-대표적으로 게임머니로 GC를 구매 가능하도록 변경되었습니다.</span></div> <div><span title="Ask you friends to join the game at <a target="_blank" href=" target="_blank" #getgame?="" infestationmmo.com="" http:="">-동영상을 보니 3000GC당 27만 게임 머니를 요구하는데 요즘 좀비가 가난해서 50달러 근처만 줍니다.</span></div> <div><br /></div> <div><span title="Ask you friends to join the game at <a target="_blank" href=" target="_blank" #getgame?="" infestationmmo.com="" http:="">6. 좀비의 인공지능이 변경되었습니다.</span></div> <div><span title="Ask you friends to join the game at <a target="_blank" href=" target="_blank" #getgame?="" infestationmmo.com="" http:="">-플레어나 체임 라이트를 사용할 시 좀비는 그것을 따라갈 것이고, 만약 유저가 자신을 죽이면 좀비는 그를 따라갈 것입니다.</span></div> <div><span title="Ask you friends to join the game at <a target="_blank" href=" target="_blank" #getgame?="" infestationmmo.com="" http:="">-플레어를 따라가긴 했는데 이젠 유효거리가 늘어난 것 같고 다른사람이 총을 쏘면 좀비가 안오던데 이젠 총쏘면 따라가네요.</span></div> <div><br /></div> <div><span title="Ask you friends to join the game at <a target="_blank" href=" target="_blank" #getgame?="" infestationmmo.com="" http:="">7. 음식과 물에 쿨타임이 생겼습니다.</span></div> <div><span title="Ask you friends to join the game at <a target="_blank" href=" target="_blank" #getgame?="" infestationmmo.com="" http:="">-이제 렉때문에 버튼 연타한다고 다 써버리는 경우는 사라질 것 같네요.</span></div> <div><br /></div> <div><span title="Ask you friends to join the game at <a target="_blank" href=" target="_blank" #getgame?="" infestationmmo.com="" http:="">8. 라이플과 저격소총의 사거리를 변경하고 소모품의 무게를 변경하였습니다.</span></div> <div><span title="Ask you friends to join the game at <a target="_blank" href=" target="_blank" #getgame?="" infestationmmo.com="" http:="">-클레임이 들어와서 라이플과 저격소총 사거리 변경하고 소모품의 무게를 변경하였다고 하네요.</span></div> <div><br /> </div> <div><span title="Ask you friends to join the game at <a target="_blank" href=" target="_blank" #getgame?="" infestationmmo.com="" http:="">기타 버그픽스.</span></div> <div><br /> </div> <div><br /></div> <div><span title="Ask you friends to join the game at <a target="_blank" href=" target="_blank" #getgame?="" infestationmmo.com="" http:="">[8월 29일자 패치노트]</span></div><span title="Ask you friends to join the game at <a target="_blank" href=" target="_blank" #getgame?="" infestationmmo.com="" http:=""> <div><br /></div> <div>We are bringing the servers down at 4:30pm PDT -7GMT for the patch. Expected downtime is 1 hour. </div> <div><br /></div> <ul><br /> <li>You can now trade with other players. For that, aim at player and press E. Other player have to do the same to confirm trade. Right click on items in the trade window to move them to trade and both players have to accept trade. <br /></li> <li>Added quick marketplace tutorial screen into marketplace (displayed once). <br /></li> <li>More visible buttons for GC\GD in Marketplace <br /></li> <li>Fixed a bug that allowed trial players on Veteran servers. <br /></li> <li>Fixed a bug with some items not stacking. <br /></li> <li>Fixed a bug that was not allowing player trading to functi*n properly. <br /></li> <li>Removed some zombies from Clearview. <br /></li> <li>Removed some weapon spawns from clearview. </li></ul> <div><br /></div> <div>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</div> <div><br /></div> <div></div> <div><br /></div> <div><중요한 것 요약></div> <div><br /></div> <div>1. 이제 거래기능이 활성화 되었습니다. E키를 눌러 상대방과 거래를 하시면 됩니다.</div> <div>-드디어 무기나 탄약 또는 음식을 거래할 수 있게 만들었네요. 쓸데없는 것들은 세이프존에서 거래하면 될 것 같습니다.</div> <div> </div> <div>2. 마켓에서 GC와 GD를 빨리 볼 수 있는 버튼을 만들었습니다.</div> <div>-소지중인 GC와 GD를 게임상에서 확인 할 수 있게 되었네요. 사실 플레이중에 소지금이 얼마나 있는지 몰랐습니다.</div> <div></div> <div><br /></div> <div>3. 클리어뷰 일부 지역에서 스폰되는 좀비를 지웠습니다.</div> <div>-클리어뷰는 안가봐서 잘 모르겠네요.</div> <div> </div> <div>4. 클리어뷰에서 소환되는 무기를 지웠습니다.</div> <div>-뭔가 사기적인 무기가 드랍되었었나 보네요.</div> <div><br /></div> <div></div> <div><br /></div> <div></div> <div><br /></div> <div></div> <div><br /></div> <div>요즘 인페스테이션 패치가 활발해지니 보기 좋습니다.</div></span>

    이 게시물을 추천한 분들의 목록입니다.
    [1] 2013/08/30 13:02:27  117.111.***.216  현야명월  414101
    푸르딩딩:추천수 3이상 댓글은 배경색이 바뀝니다.
    (단,비공감수가 추천수의 1/3 초과시 해당없음)

    죄송합니다. 댓글 작성은 회원만 가능합니다.

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