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    개인차단 상태
    가입 : 03-10-09
    방문 : 2596회
    닉네임변경 이력
    게시물ID : music_15705
    작성자 : 알콜중독자
    추천 : 10
    조회수 : 385
    IP : 219.240.***.43
    댓글 : 0개
    등록시간 : 2011/04/19 20:54:29
    http://todayhumor.com/?music_15705 모바일
    Puff Daddy - I'll Be Missing You.sw
    <embed src="http://pds22.egloos.com/pds/201104/19/13/Ill_Be_Missing_You.swf">

    Yeah, this right here goes out to everyone who's lost someonethat they
    Truly loved...
    Check it out...

    Seems like yesterday we used to rock the show
    I laced the track, you locked the flow
    So far from hangin' on the block for dough
    Notorius they got to know that
    Life ain't always what it seem to be
    Words can't express what you mean to me!
    Even though you're gone we still a team
    Thru your family I'll fulfill your dreams
    In the future can't wait to see
    if you'll open up the gates for me
    Reminisce sometime the night they took my friend
    Try to black it out, but it plays again
    When it's real feelings hard to conceal
    Can't imagine all the pain I feel
    Give anything to hear half your breath
    I know you still livin' your life after death

    Every step I take
    Every move I make
    Every single day
    Everytime I pray
    I'll be missing you

    Thinking of the day
    When you went away
    What a life to take
    What a bond to break
    I'll be missing you

    (We miss you)

    It's kinda hard wit you not around
    Know you in Heaven smilin' down
    Watching us while we pray for you
    Everyday we pray for you
    Till the day we meet again
    In my heart is where I keep you friend
    Memories give me the strength I need to proceed
    Strength I need to believe
    My thoughts, Big, I just can't define
    Wish I could turn back the hands of time
    Us and the six shop for new clothes and kicks
    You and me takin' flics
    Makin' hits, stages they receive you on
    Still can't believe you're gone
    Give anything to hear half your breath
    I know you still livin' your life after death

    Every step I take
    Every move I make
    Every single day
    Everytime I pray
    I'll be missing you

    Thinking of the day
    When you went away
    What a life to take
    What a bond to break
    I'll be missing you

    Somebody tell me why...

    One that morning
    When this life is over
    I know, I'll see your face

    Every night I pray
    Every step I take
    Every move I make
    Every single day
    Every night I pray
    Every step I take
    Every move I make
    Every single day
    Every night I pray
    Every step I take
    Every move I make
    Every single day
    Every night I pray
    Every step I take
    Every move I make
    Every single day

    Every step I take
    Every move I make
    Every single day
    Everytime I pray
    I'll be missing you

    Thinking of the day
    When you went away
    What a life to take
    What a bond to break
    I'll be missing you

    Every step I take
    Every move I make
    Every single day
    Everytime I pray
    I'll be missing you

    (I'll be missing you)

    Thinking of the day

    (Thinking of the day)

    When you went away
    What a life to take
    What a bond to break
    I'll be missing you

    (I'll be missing you)

    One that morning
    When this life is over
    I know, I'll see your face

    알콜중독자의 꼬릿말입니다

    <a href="http://www.cyworld.com/posoko83" target="_blank"> http://cyworld.nate.com/posoko83 </a>

    이 게시물을 추천한 분들의 목록입니다.
    [1] 2011/04/19 20:57:13  59.8.***.132  ㅇ~
    [2] 2011/04/19 20:58:04  119.67.***.78  시골똥개
    [3] 2011/04/20 03:19:23  110.8.***.166  
    [4] 2011/04/20 08:48:16  59.6.***.131  
    [5] 2011/04/23 10:12:47  183.96.***.117  
    [6] 2011/04/24 22:31:24  61.252.***.138  
    [7] 2011/04/26 16:41:27  112.187.***.30  
    [8] 2011/04/27 22:21:22  218.51.***.214  
    [9] 2011/05/03 09:23:50  121.130.***.8  ㅅ
    [10] 2011/05/03 11:07:35  125.129.***.180  
    푸르딩딩:추천수 3이상 댓글은 배경색이 바뀝니다.
    (단,비공감수가 추천수의 1/3 초과시 해당없음)

    죄송합니다. 댓글 작성은 회원만 가능합니다.

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