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    가입 : 13-03-17
    방문 : 135회
    닉네임변경 이력
    게시물ID : music_98239
    작성자 : draghome
    추천 : 1
    조회수 : 525
    IP : 58.141.***.178
    댓글 : 0개
    등록시간 : 2014/09/05 16:10:06
    http://todayhumor.com/?music_98239 모바일
    Bruce Hornsby Playlist
    <object width="800" height="633" data="http://www.youmix.kr/swf/yplayer.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" style="width:800px;height:633px;"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="never"><param name="allowNetworking" value="internal">        <param value="http://www.youmix.kr/swf/yplayer.swf" name="movie">        <param value="domain=www.youmix.kr&pid=10000043&yid=28065fda765105b15b7eee6885d6eb1e&auto=0&repeat=0&skin=1" name="flashvars">                <param value="transparent" name="wmode">         <h1>Bruce Hornsby Playlist</h1>        </object>        <br><br><br>        <object width="366" height="310" data="http://www.youmix.kr/swf/yplayer_list.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="never"><param name="allowNetworking" value="internal"><param value="http://www.youmix.kr/swf/yplayer_list.swf" name="movie"><param value="yid=28065fda765105b15b7eee6885d6eb1e&auto=0&repeat=0&skin=1" name="flashvars"><param value="transparent" name="wmode"><h1>Bruce Hornsby Playlist</h1></object>        <br><br>         <div class="track_list">         <h3>트랙 리스트:</h3>         <ul class="list1 a1"><li>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby & the Range - The Way It Is</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby and the Noisemakers - "White-Wheeled Limousine"</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - Mandolin Rain</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby & the Range - Mandolin Rain</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - "China Doll"</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - The Way It Is</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby & the Range - The Valley Road</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - Gonna Be Some Changes Made</span>         </li><li><span>25 years of Bruce Hornsby</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby "Solo" at  "The Stone Mountain Arts Center"</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby & the Range - Every Little Kiss</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby ~ Mandolin Rain/Sad Mood/Loser/Sky Is Crying/Mandolin Rain ~ 6/23/14 ~ Georgia Theatre</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby solo November 16 2006 - part 1</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby -  I Can't Make You Love Me - Shepherds Bush Empire, London - January 2012</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby & the Range - Look Out Any Window</span>         </li><li><span>Weir, Hornsby, and Marsalis Perform "King of the Hill" into "Big Boss Man" at GOTV 2012</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby~ Fortunate Son --} Comfortably Numb --} Fortunate Son</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby- Every Little Kiss</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby & The Range - The Way It Is (Simon de Jano Remix)</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby & the Range - Across The River</span>         </li><li><span>Ricky Skaggs & Bruce Hornsby, The Dreaded Spoon</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - "Invisible"</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - Fortunate Son - Shepherds Bush Empire, London - January 2012</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - The Valley Road (Live at Farm Aid 1990)</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby & the Range - Lost Soul</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - The Way it is with solos</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby and the Noisemakers - "Mandolin Rain"</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - End of the Innocence .. Red Bank, NJ .. November 16 2006</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby & Tupac Shakur - "The Way It Is Changes"</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - Valley Road (traditional) - 10/3/09 - Richmond, VA</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - "Heartbreak Town" (Better Quality/w Lyrics)</span>         </li><li><span>Ricky Skaggs & Bruce Hornsby,  The Way It Is</span>         </li><li><span>♫ How to play "THE WAY IT IS" by Bruce Hornsby (piano tutorial lesson)</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby and The Range - The Way It Is (Dj Patiño 12" Remix)</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby Inducts the Grateful Dead into the Hall of Fame</span>         </li><li><span>Weir, Hornsby, and Marsalis Perform "Standing on the Moon" at Gathering of the Vibes 2012</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby & The Noisemakers - Cyclone - Live</span>         </li><li><span>Ricky Skaggs & Bruce Hornsby - The Way It Is (Special Album version)</span>         </li><li><span>THE WAY IT IS Bruce Hornsby karaoke Back instrumental edit by ©Graziana</span>         </li><li><span>THATS JUST THE WAY IT IS! BRUCE HORNSBY!</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby- Madman Across the Water</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - The way it is / Synthesia 100%</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - The Way It Is - Shepherds Bush Empire, London - January 2012</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - Big Rumble - 9/3/13 - Raleigh, NC</span>         </li><li><span>Mandolin Rain</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby ~ King Of The Hill</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - The Road Not Taken .. Red Bank, NJ .. November 16 2006</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - Mandolin Rain - Red Butte - Live 2011</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - Standing On The Moon / Halcyon Days - Shepherds Bush Empire, London - January 2012</span>         </li><li><span>Jackson, Shawn, Bonnie, Bruce & David  - The End Of The Innocence - TV Show</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby: Girl From the North Country</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - Song C / Harbor Lights (Piano Cover)</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - The Way It Is (Hanski Remix)</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby Big Swing Face</span>         </li><li><span>That's Just The Way It Is - Bruce Hornsby & The Range - Drum cover</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby and The Noisemakers at Mishawaka 7-19-13 Sugaree</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby Live 2006</span>         </li><li><span>The Way It Is/Changes by Bruce Hornsby/Tupac Piano Tutorial</span>         </li><li><span>The Way it is: solo sections tutorial - Piano (Bruce Hornsby)</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - Terrapin Station @ Tipitinas Uptown 4/29/2011</span>         </li><li><span>2014 05 09 Bruce Hornsby - Every Little Kiss</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby (Solo) "Swan Song" 02.14.12 Durham, NC (Carolina Theater)</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - Barren Ground - bass by Ian Underwood</span>         </li><li><span>The Show Goes On (Bruce Hornsby cover)</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby November 14 2013 Toronto The Way It Is</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby and the Noisemakers - The Way It Is - Live</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - The Way It Is (piano and drums)</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby That's just the way it is</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - I Will Walk With You</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - Spider Fingers 10/17/06</span>         </li><li><span>Bonnie Raitt & Bruce Hornsby - Thing Called Love (live)</span>         </li><li><span>Bonnie Raitt & Bruce Hornsby - I Can't Make You Love Me</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - Continents Drift - 10/9/09 - Richmond, VA</span>         </li><li><span>River Runs Low- Bruce Hornsby</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - CNN interview 2004.</span>         </li><li><span>2014 05 09 Bruce Hornsby - Mandolin Rain</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce <b>Hornsby</b> That's Just The Way It Is - Piano Cover by Nate Bosch</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - Dreamland (cover)</span>         </li><li><span>Tupac Shakur ft. Bruce Hornsby - Chage (the way it is)</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby & The Noise Makers~Standing On The Moon}Halcyon Days</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - The Way It Is (PIANO COVER w/ SHEET MUSIC in Description)</span>         </li><li><span>Knox Ewing plays "Song H" by Bruce Hornsby</span>         </li><li><span>"Space Is The Place"Bruce Hornsby & The Noisemakers, Berklee Performance Ctr, Boston Ma  9/27/2009</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby ~ Till The Dreaming's Done</span>         </li><li><span>Ricky Skaggs & Bruce Hornsby, The Way It Is</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby & The Noisemakers - Prairie Dog Town - Live</span>         </li><li><span>Spider Fingers</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby/Ricky Skaggs/John Anderson - Super Freak</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby & The Noisemakers - Swan Song @ Park West 6/17/12</span>         </li><li><span>R.S.Hornsby/Bruce Hornsby & the Noisemakers - Mirror on the Wall</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - Across the River -  8/9/13 - Asheville, NC</span>         </li><li><span>Ricky Skaggs & Bruce Hornsby, Darling Corey</span>         </li><li><span>The Way It Is (Changes) - Bruce Hornsby/Tupac Shakur acoustic rap cover (T.J. Brown)</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - The End of the Innocence - Shepherds Bush Empire, London - January 2012</span>         </li><li><span>Ricky Skaggs & Bruce Hornsby, 20-20 Vision</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby (Solo) "Mandolin Rain" 02.14.12 Durham, NC (Carolina Theater)</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - Fortunate Son</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - Sneaking Up On Boo Radley</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby ~ Swan Song</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - The Show Goes On .Boulder,Co</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby solo November 16 2006 - part 2</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce <b>Hornsby</b> at the University of Miami</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - August 24, 2013 - Across the River</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - The way it is Piano Tutorial [50% speed] (Synthesia)</span>         </li><li><span>Song C (Bruce Hornsby)</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - Pete & Manny / Barcelona Mona - 8/3/13 - Raleigh, NC</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - Red Hook Summer/Harbor Lights  - UB Mainstage Theatre - Amherst, NY - 9/26/2012</span>         </li><li><span>Mandolin Rain - Bruce Hornsby with Ricky Skaggs (live Nashville, Feb 18, 2012)</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby~ Boulder Theatre  6/21/2012 Mandolin Rain into Black Muddy River</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce <b>Hornsby</b>/Ricky Skaggs - Super Freak</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby ~ He's Gone } Wharf Rat</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby/Ricky Skaggs - Darlin' Cory</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby & Chaka Khan - Love Me Still</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby, Good Morning America 1993</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - Twenty Twenty Vision - Shepherds Bush Empire, London - January 2012</span>         </li><li><span>Sunflower Cat (Live) - Bruce Hornsby</span>         </li><li><span>Brothers In Rhythm - Bruce Hornsby - The Way it is Remix</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby-Hymn In C</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby "The Way it Is"</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby and the Noisemakers - "Funhouse"</span>         </li><li><span>The Show Goes On</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby Live - End of the Innocence</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - (Can't Make You Love Me) - Wilks Barre, PA - Kirby Center #6</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby & The Range - The Way It Is - Cover</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - Gonna Be Some Changes Made</span>         </li><li><span>Ricky Skaggs & Bruce Hornsby, Little Maggie</span>         </li><li><span>The Infamous Stringdusters featuring Bruce Hornsby - Road To Boulder (2014)  [Fan Video]</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby November 14 2013 Toronto Might As Well Be Me</span>         </li><li><span>Star Spangled Banner Hornsby Marsalis 1991 NBA All-Star Game</span>         </li><li><span>Ricky Skaggs & Bruce Hornsby, Darling Cory</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby singing "Another Day in Paradise"</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby w/ Ricky Skaggs and Kentucky Thunder</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - Simple Prayer - 10/3/09 - Richmond, VA</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby The Way It Is - Piano (Instrumental)</span>         </li><li><span>Thats Just The Way It Is  (Bruce Hornsby) Easy Strum Guitar Lesson How to Play</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - Jacob's Ladder</span>         </li><li><span>BRUCE HORNSBY  Candy Mountain   2005  Live</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby~ Boulder Theatre 6/21/2012</span>         </li><li><span>Star Spangled Banner - Branford Marsalis/Bruce Hornsby</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby ~ Wharf Rat</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - In The Low Country</span>         </li><li><span>HEATHER FAY - "The Way It Is" (Bruce Hornsby Cover)</span>         </li><li><span>Bela Fleck and the Flecktones w/Bruce Hornsby</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby~ Boulder Theatre  6/21/2012</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - Anna Lee - Love for Levon</span>         </li><li><span>2pac & Bruce Hornsby - Change the way it is Ma$hup</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby ~ Sad Moon</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - Candy Mountain Run - 10/3/09 - Richmond, VA</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - Look Out Any Window (Live at Farm Aid 1990)</span>         </li><li><span>Ben Cameron - "Every Little Kiss" (Bruce Hornsby cover)</span>         </li><li><span>Ricky Skaggs & Bruce Hornsby, Sis Draper</span>         </li><li><span>"Sunflower Cat" - Bruce Hornsby - Hartwood Acres, Pittsburgh, PA - 6/29/2014</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby & The Range-The Way It Is(Brothers in Rhythm)</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - Passing Through (Guitar Cover)</span>         </li><li><span>Love Me Still - Bruce Hornsby</span>         </li><li><span>Ricky Skaggs, Bruce Hornsby, Cayamo 2014</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby  "End of the Innocence"</span>         </li><li><span>Clannad - Something To Believe In with Bruce Hornsby</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby & The Range "The Way It Is" (loop)</span>         </li><li><span>Harbor Lights (Bruce Hornsby)</span>         </li><li><span>2014 05 09 Bruce Hornsby - What A Time</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby & The Noisemakers - "Cruise Control" - Drum Cover by Jeff Friedlander</span>         </li><li><span>Bob Weir  & Bruce Hornsby  Sugaree 4-1-12 Fox Oakland</span>         </li><li><span>Ricky Skaggs, Bruce Hornsby, Cayamo 2014</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby (Live) - The Road Not Taken / The Other One (Grateful Dead Cover)</span>         </li><li><span>The Way It Is Piano Lesson part 1 Bruce Hornsby</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby and the Noisemakers--Rainbow's Cadillac--Live @ Bonnaroo Sunday 2011-06-12</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby @ Jazz Fest</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - Soon Enough - The Murat Egyptian Room Indianapolis 10/29/09</span>         </li><li><span>Trey <b>Anastasio</b> & Bruce Hornsby</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby 7/29/05 in-store performance in Portland, OR</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby & The Noise Makers ~ Rainbow's Cadillac</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby playing dulcimer</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby   August 24, 2013   Cruise Control</span>         </li><li><span>2PAC vs. Bruce Hornsby - Changes</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby & The Other Ones ~ Preacher in the Ring Pt.II</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby, The Way It Is - fingerstyle guitar arrangemet by Jake Reichbart</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby November 14 2013 Toronto End Of The Innocence</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby ~ Girl From The North Country ~ Dylan Cover 9/12/87 Chastain Park Atlanta, GA</span>         </li><li><span>Daniele D'archivio - Set Me In Motion - by Bruce Hornsby</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby & The Noisemakers: King Of The Hill (7/19/13 - Mishawaka, Colorado)</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby -  Spider Fingers - Shepherds Bush Empire, London - January 2012</span>         </li><li><span>Roger Waters - (1991) Comfortably Numb [featuring Bruce Hornsby]</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby & The Range - The Way It Is (Dj ''S'' Bootleg Extended ''Change'' Re-Mix)</span>         </li><li><span>BRUCE HORNSBY AND THE RANGE   The Way It Is (Instrumental Remix)   1986.wmv dj salvasega</span>         </li><li><span>See the Same Way - Bruce Horsnby</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby ~ Black Muddy River</span>         </li><li><span>Levitate by Bruce Hornsby at the Belly Up 9.11.11</span>         </li><li><span>Song A - Bruce Hornsby cover</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby and the Noisemakers--Jacob's Ladder--Live @ Bonnaroo Sunday 2011-06-12</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby ~ I Can't Make You Love Me</span>         </li><li><span>BOB WEIR & BRUCE HORNSBY - Grateful Dead medley live 3/31/12</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - On the Western Skyline</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby ~ I Truly Understand</span>         </li><li><span>Clannad & Bruce Hornsby - Something to Believe In</span>         </li><li><span>"The Way It Is"  (Bruce Hornsby)  Bass Cover</span>         </li><li><span>Every Little Kiss Piano Lesson part 1 Bruce Hornsby</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - Stander on the Mountain</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - The Way it is Piano Cover</span>         </li><li><span>Bruce Hornsby - Lost In The Snow @ North Shore Center 11/14/09</span>        </li></ul>        </div>        <br>

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