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    개인차단 상태
    가입 : 13-03-17
    방문 : 135회
    닉네임변경 이력
    게시물ID : panic_75736
    작성자 : draghome
    추천 : 1
    조회수 : 3969
    IP : 124.199.***.163
    댓글 : 2개
    등록시간 : 2014/12/30 12:29:35
    http://todayhumor.com/?panic_75736 모바일
    유튜브에 이런 거 의외로 많다. - 쇠파리 영상 (The Botfly)

    The Botfly



    The Botfly



    트랙 리스트:

    • Monkey killers        
    • The Botfly        
    • The biggest human botfly compilation ever! Top 10!        
    • The Botfly in my Head        
    • INTENSE BOT FLY Removal.mp4        
    • Removing Botfly Larva from Infant Howler Monkey        
    • Birth of A Botfly Maggot: A Curious Adventure with "Doctor Bugs"        
    • WARNING: actual medical treatment shown! Howler monkey being treated for botfly larvas        
    • Bot Fly        
    • Botfly removal from kittens face        
    • Huge Botfly Maggot Removed from Head        
    • Horse covered with bot fly eggs before removal        
    • The Botfly Diaries        
    • Bot Fly Removal        
    • Bot fly        
    • Nasty Botfly extractions (Not for people with a weak stomach)        
    • What is a Horse Bot Fly or Bot Egg - Removing from Horses - Rick Gore Horsemanship        
    • Bot fly larva emerges        
    • botfly larva in my ankle - days 38-39 update - final update!        
    • botfly larva in my ankle - days 27-31 update        
    • Bot Fly removal from our cat        
    • The biggest human botfly compilation ever! Top 10!        
    • botfly larva in my ankle - days 32-34 update        
    • Botfly removal from kittens face        
    • Shocking Disgusting BotFly Extraction Removal on the Chin        
    • Amazon Cares Dr Patrick Mahaney Bot Fly Extraction 3        
    • Botfly larvae being removed from bunny!!        
    • botfly being removed from tiny kitten- part 1        
    • Rabbit Bot Fly Removal/Warbles        
    • Dog Botfly        
    • Expert removal of a botfly larva (beef worm)        
    • Botfly Removal and Eating        
    • Abomination of Nature (Bot Fly)        
    • Birth of a Botfly        
    • Squirrel with very large Botfly lump        
    • botfly larva in my ankle - day 12 update        
    • Botfly worms        
    • WIELKA LARWA!!! Bot Fly on Squirrel        
    • Bot Fly on Squirrel        
    • How To Remove Bot Fly Eggs        
    • botfly out and kitten meowing - part 2        
    • Brutal Botfly Infestation (WARNING BLOOD) - Monsters Inside Me, by Paul Rosolie        
    • Bot Fly Larva - cuterebra        
    • Rabbit Bot Fly        
    • Monsters Inside Me: Botfly Invasion        
    • Cuterebra bot fly removal Poulsbo Animal Clinic        
    • Bot fly removal 3        
    • 2 Bots 1 Mouse        
    • Botfly larva removed from my dog Eleanor        
    • Squirrel with bot fly.        
    • Botfly killer.        
    • Bot Fly Bottom        
    • Chubby and the Bot-fly        
    • Mouse with bot fly        
    • botfly larva in my ankle - days 20-23 update        
    • Cueterebra (bot fly)        
    • Larva of Horse Bot Fly (Gasterophilus) between the teeth (diastema) of a horse.        
    • Removing Botfly Larva from Infant Howler Monkey        
    • Botfly found in Eastern Canada mouse in october 2013 over 150 miles north of USA border        
    • Cuterebra botfly larva develops under the skin of a dog.        
    • Bot Fly: Larva        
    • Bot Fly in North Jersey!        
    • Mouse with parasite & eyeball ( botfly - larva )        
    • Extended botfly removal        
    • Botfly Peru        
    • Re: Birth of A Botfly Maggot: A Curious Adventure with "Doctor Bugs"        
    • James Askew presents"Bot fly experiment"        
    • Deer Mouse recovering from bot fly infestation at WildCare        
    • botfly larva in my ankle - day 11        
    • dead mouse botfly        
    • Zephyr & the bot fly!        
    • bot fly removal 5        
    • Bot Fly Shuffle        
    • Mouse eats its own bot fly        
    • botfly larva in my ankle - days 35-37 update        
    • bot fly        
    • Botfly Removal        
    • INTENSE BOT FLY Removal        
    • Horse Bot Fly Eggs on Landings Right Leg        
    • botfly larva in my ankle - days 24-26 update        
    • Bot Fly Flying Around A Horses Leg        
    • Botfly Larva emerging from recently deceased rabbit.        
    • rabbit bot fly removal        
    • Patches and Bot Fly        
    • Removing a botfly from a girls head!        
    • Unbelievable Bot Fly Facts!        
    • Le Cuterebra ou Botfly        
    • Bot Fly removed from turtle neck and front leg        
    • Chubby and the Bot fly        
    • Bot Fly Larvae In Puppy. Vet Removes Bot Fly Larvae From Puppies Head.        
    • Spider Vs BotFly        
    • Amazon Cares Dr Patrick Mahaney Bot Fly Extraction 1        
    • The biggest human botfly compilation ever! Top 10!        
    • Gadsden-botfly        
    • Sweet P 11/4/13 botfly?        
    • Botfly Removal Close Up        
    • The biggest human botfly compilation ever! Top 10!        
    • Bot Fly        
    • Botfly in Texas wildlife, Edwards County, 1-17-2011        
    • Bot-si        
    • Botfly Larva        
    • Removing Bot Fly Eggs        
    • Huge bot fly removal from pet squirrel!        
    • Dog Botfly: Recovered        
    • Bot Fly Removal        
    • bot fly removal 1        
    • Bot fly shenanigans        
    • Amazon Cares Dr Patrick Mahaney Bot Fly Extraction 2        
    • Bot Fly Larvae Dogs and Cats Bot Fly Lavrae Removed From Dogs Head        
    • Two Botflies Extracted from Man's Arm: The Birth of Joey and Little Dick        
    • Part 8 of 10 Pictures of box turtle with bot fly holes- rehabbed-released        
    • botfly being removed from tiny kitten part 1        
    • Botfly kitten 3 years later!        
    • Bot fly larvae on a cottontail rabbit        
    • How to extract a bot fly        
    • Huge pimple on soldier botfly        
    • Bot Flies Bot Fly lavae  Can Kill ,Paralyze, and or make your Puppies and pets blind        
    • Botfly extraction compilation! Pretty Insane!        
    • Bot fly in CT        
    • -NOT FOR THE SQUEAMISH- rabbit botfly        
    • Mouse with bot fly & eyeball ( remake )        
    • Botfly 2        
    • botfly removal video        
    • Bot Fly Larva Emerges #2        
    • Botfly Larvae pulled from head        
    • bot fly removal 2014 Human What Is A Botfly Biggest Bot Fly Aarvae        
    • Nasty Botfly extractions Not for people with a weak stomach        
    • Botfly Removal Close Up        
    • Bot Fly Removal After Jungle Hike        
    • Bot fly        
    • Bot fly larve in cats neck...        
    • Java BotFly Removal!        
    • Weird Reproduction of Human Bot Fly (Bieber Remix)        
    • Expert removal of a botfly larva beef worm        
    • Botfly Larvae Removal From a Kitten's Neck        
    • Bot Fly Removal        
    • Huge Botfly or Black head inside her Belly Button 2014        
    • Bot Fly Larvae Attacks Puppy But Tahiri is fighting Back and recovering!        
    • Botfly larvae being removed from bunny!!        
    • Dead Cottontail rabbit infested with botfly larvae        
    • Cueterebra bot fly        
    • Bot Fly removal from our cat        
    • Botfly Larvae pulled from head        
    • Bot Fly Removal After Jungle Hike        
    • Chipmunk infested with Bot Flies 3        
    • Betty Bot the Belizean Botfly        
    • Gusano asqueroso mata una rata. (Botfly)(Larva Cuterebra)        
    • Bot Fly removed from turtle neck and front leg        
    • Bot Fly Removal 4        
    • botfly removal video        
    • Colmoyote! botfly larva parasite emerging        
    • Unbelievable Bot Fly Facts!        
    • Bot Fly Removal 2        
    • Botfly larvae extracted from neck of child        
    • Part 7 of 10 Wild eastern box turtle story, box turtle care, rehab and release-bot fly        
    • Removal of botfly larva        
    • Botfly removal bot fly larvae emerges from back        
    • Bot Fly Larvae Baby Terror        
    • Fly Larvae Removal from a Kitten        
    • Triclops! Love Song For The Botfly        
    • Botfly removal bot fly larvae emerges from back        
    • Monsters Inside Me: Botfly Invasion        
    • The Botfly Diaries        
    • Removal of botfly larva        
    • Huge Botfly or Black head inside her Belly Button 2014        
    • Botfly Removal        
    • Botfly pops out of leg        
    • Expert removal of a botfly larva beef worm        
    • Botfly larvae being removed from bunny!!        
    • The Botfly in my Head        
    • World's Greatest Bot Fly Removal        
    • The Botfly Diaries        
    • Botfly Removal from Head        
    • Disgusting Bot Fly inside my hand        
    • Cuterebrosis in Felines        
    • Botfly larva extracted        
    • Fred Limbston - Bot-Fly - I should        
    • botfly removal AFTER SEVERAL test ウマバエ        
    • Huge Botfly or Black head inside her Belly Button 2014        
    • bot fly removal 1        
    • Extended botfly removal        
    • Evan's Bot Fly - Part 2 of 3        
    • Bot Fly Removal        
    • bot fly removal 2014 Human What Is A Botfly Biggest Bot Fly Aarvae        
    • Java BotFly Removal!        

    이 게시물을 추천한 분들의 목록입니다.
    [1] 2014/12/31 13:51:52  112.160.***.42  언제까지그럴  397626
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    죄송합니다. 댓글 작성은 회원만 가능합니다.

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