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    개인차단 상태
    가입 : 11-03-23
    방문 : 1786회
    닉네임변경 이력
    게시물ID : music_24768
    작성자 : 8비트
    추천 : 1
    조회수 : 338
    IP : 175.119.***.245
    댓글 : 0개
    등록시간 : 2011/08/24 19:51:42
    http://todayhumor.com/?music_24768 모바일
    Dr. Dre - East/West Coast Killers
    <embed src ="http://soornot.tistory.com//attachment/[email protected]">

    East coast (killer), West coast (killer) [repeat 8X]

    [Verse One: RBX]

    While childish MC's battle over coastal fronts
    I come with no fronts and smash in monkey fronts
    If you want to be evil like Knieval then jump
    I guarantee your punk ass catch the speed lump
    The tactics, extract, morbid thoughts from the mental
    custom designed, for instrumental
    Yes indeedy, lyrical graffiti
    And this one's a burner, baby
    Truck, like Toyata driven
    True and livin drivin with the gat
    Uhh, pop the clutch, let the Cold Crush rush
    Then I flush wack material
    That's if I don't mash them all to mush
    Hush, let me burst, dare I gush
    Cock-diezel cuts
    Lyrical arsenal equivalent to arsenic

    East coast (killer), West coast (killer) [repeat 4X]

    [Verse Two: KRS-One]

    Yo, why do they make me wanna ruin they career?
    Before I bust your shit let's get one thing clear
    Don't provoke Kris no joke this
    I don't ride no rapper's nutsac yo I stay focused
    Beefin without skills seekin will only weaken
    The artist speakin over beats and, you be cheatin
    Cacaphony of small talent rappers, claimin a coast
    over instrumentals, ain't got no real street credentials
    Here come the philosopher hip-hopppin ya correctly
    Ignorant ass MC's continue to tempt me
    Lyrics be empty like Alcatraz cellblock
    Too many MC's rappin causin lyrical gridlock
    Lyrical syllables interlock in my voicebox
    Yet I'm still unknown like the X on Sadat
    Just your typical, non-topical
    Flex the optical illusion weak metaphoric style you be usin
    I check one-two's and who's in the house
    Like shit your lyrics ooze out ya mouth
    Whattyou think this is? KRS-One from the Bronx kid!

    East coast (killer), West coast (killer) [repeat 8X]

    Welcome to the New World Order
    You are now under martial law
    All constituional rights have been suspended

    [Verse Three: B-Real]

    The most scandalous, cut the bad apple, we can handle this
    Coast trippin goin on through out the business
    East Coast West Coast anybody killer!
    I don't give a fuck where you from I'ma Killa Hill-er
    I got crews on both sides together
    Deeper than the ocean and down for whatever
    Fool I can roll through any block
    from Central to Westland Avenue, without my glock
    But some niggaz can't survive on both sides
    So they try and break off, eliminate ties
    Fools got to get wise, better realize
    True, enemy lies killin in the highrise
    office, analyzing the song
    Look at them red niggaz, don't even get along
    Kill that noise, four niggaz bringin the skill
    Mad caps get peeled if you oppose the Hill

    Yeah that's right fool, you know who, the mighty Group Therapy
    The mighty mighty Aftermath brigade, letting all you sound boys know
    You're not ready to rumble or test this
    Kill that noise!

    East coast (killer), West coast (killer) [repeat 8X]

    [Verse Four: Nas Escobar]

    Now when I bomb like Sadaam, the world feels The Wrath of Khan
    Desert Storm in this modern day Babylon
    I be the twelve disciples strap arms
    All black on running your spot hit the safe and I'm gone
    Like a thief wrong, I keep the long 38 warm
    Silent and calm, and blackout when the beef is on
    Focus on your rap holsters, notice
    I'm evil like the Exorcist to the locusts
    Ferocious thoughts, are mergin at night
    Like Jehovah towards the virgin in white
    I'm wrapped in a turban for spite
    Like a Israelite snatchin hoes up, my flow's up
    When the fuckin world blows up throw your hands up
    It's a holdup, frontin like you down for the real
    to make a meal, but when plan fold, nigga you squeal
    like Heavy Heel, but what's the fuckin deal?

    East coast (killer) West coast (killer) [repeat 16X]
    8비트의 꼬릿말입니다
    왜 샀는지 기억이 안나는 닥터드레의 Aftermath 앨범;

    이 게시물을 추천한 분들의 목록입니다.
    [1] 2011/08/25 01:42:20  61.255.***.178  
    푸르딩딩:추천수 3이상 댓글은 배경색이 바뀝니다.
    (단,비공감수가 추천수의 1/3 초과시 해당없음)

    죄송합니다. 댓글 작성은 회원만 가능합니다.

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