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    개인차단 상태
    가입 : 11-03-23
    방문 : 1786회
    닉네임변경 이력
    게시물ID : music_15778
    작성자 : 8비트
    추천 : 1
    조회수 : 315
    IP : 218.238.***.213
    댓글 : 0개
    등록시간 : 2011/04/20 22:11:39
    http://todayhumor.com/?music_15778 모바일
    4 Non Blondes - Dear Mr. President
    <object width="480" height="390"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/87HjsK10_74?fs=1&hl=ko_KR"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/87HjsK10_74?fs=1&hl=ko_KR" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="390"></embed></object>

    what's up으로 유명한 4 Non Blondes의 곡입니다.
    가사가 남얘기 같지가 않네요
    (가사해석: http://blog.naver.com/cider1008?Redirect=Log&logNo=50034256935 )

    I'm looking outside of my windows
    The view that I see
    Is a child and mama
    And the child is begging for money
    Tell me why, tell me why
    The woman is blind is she so broke
    The kid's dealing crime
    It's such a beautiful city
    But the world is burning it down
    Yea yea yea yea yea yea
    Yea yea yea yea yea yea
    It's such a beautiful city
    But the world is it burning down

    I go to my room to turn on the T.V
    I sit myself down
    And I start laughing hard
    'Cause this man he's asking for money
    He sats "if you send me lots of cash I'll send you
    Stuff to make you rich fast"
    It's such a wonderful country
    But the man he's burning it down
    Yea yea yea yea yea yea
    Yea yea yea yea yea yea
    It's such a wonderful country
    But the man he's burning it down
    Yea yea yea yea yea yea
    Yea yea yea yea yea yea
    And it's burning down
    And it's called the U.S of A.

    One day I'm going to have lots of money
    But I'll have to give up
    For this rich society
    Oh please Mr. President will you lend me a future
    'Cause you'll just get it back
    From the little blind woman
    With the kid on the corner
    And the people all over, doin' crack
    Yea yea yea yea yea yea
    Yea yea yea yea yea yea
    It's such a wonderful country
    But the man he's burning it down
    Yea yea yea yea yea yea
    Yea yea yea yea yea yea
    And it's burning down
    And it's called the U.S of A.

    I'm walking outside on a sunny day
    With no one around
    And I wonder what's wrong
    The I hear this loud piercing siren
    Oh my God the bomb has just dropped
    And everybody climbed right on top
    Screaming, what a wonderful country
    But the man he's burning it down
    Yea yea yea yea yea yea
    Yea yea yea yea yea yea
    It's such a wonderful country
    But the man he's burning it down
    Yea yea yea yea yea yea
    Yea yea yea yea yea yea
    And it's burning down
    And it's called the U.S of A

    이 게시물을 추천한 분들의 목록입니다.
    [1] 2011/04/20 22:43:34  59.8.***.234  ㅇ~
    푸르딩딩:추천수 3이상 댓글은 배경색이 바뀝니다.
    (단,비공감수가 추천수의 1/3 초과시 해당없음)

    죄송합니다. 댓글 작성은 회원만 가능합니다.

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