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  • 게시물ID : humorbest_1411880
    작성자 : DoubleKiss
    추천 : 44
    조회수 : 4309
    IP : 211.26.***.143
    댓글 : 15개
    베스트 등록시간 : 2017/04/10 14:30:13
    원글작성시간 : 2017/04/10 10:28:00
    http://todayhumor.com/?humorbest_1411880 모바일
    북미계정 사용에 대한 북미블리자드 공식 답변 (morning똥님 저격)
    • 본인삭제금지
    본문에 앞서서, 작성자는 해외 거주자이며 한국 계정 소유자가 아니고, 
    북미 배틀넷을 통해 2개의 계정을 북미 블리자드 1인 3계정 정책에 어긋나지 않게 제 이메일, 신용카드로 소유하고 있는 유저입니다. 
    하지만 작성자는 부계정 사용을 지양하는 것에 대해 찬성하는 입장입니다. 
    그러나 부계정 사용이 도의적인 책임이 따르는 부분이지만 약관 위반에는 북미 블리자드 License Agreement에 의거해 해당사항이 없다고 사실관계를 분명히 하는 과정에서, 
    끝까지 약관 위반이라고 고집을 부리시는 몇몇 분들이 계셔서 답답한 마음에 직접 문의를 넣고 답변까지 성공적으로 받았습니다.

    또한, 제가 이 글을 적는 결정적인 이유는 다음과 같습니다. 

    morning똥님이 블리자드에 문의하신 질문 자체가 아무말 대잔치 엉터리 영어로 작성되어 있어 정확한 답변도 받지 못하셨는데, 
    답변의 내용도 본인 멋대로 엉망진창으로 해석하신 걸 증거라고 내놓으신 게 어이 없다고 지적드렸더니, 
    갑자기 반말과 시비조로 이런 댓글을 작성하셨습니다.
    그래서 제가 직접 블리자드 본사에 문의해봤고, 답변 내용은 전문 다음에 바로 요약해두었습니다.

    대화 전문 (제 개인 신상정보가 담긴 부분은 삭제하였습니다)

    Dohemmius 10:29:57

    Hey there, this is Game Master Dohemmius!

    you 10:30:27

    Hi, Dohem!

    you 10:30:33

    I'm Jae, glad to meet you

    Dohemmius 10:30:16

    I'm just pulling up your information now. How's it going today otherwise?

    you 10:30:50

    I have some questions regarding the terms and conditions, specifically regarding the use of account

    you 10:31:00

    i'm great, yours?

    Dohemmius 10:31:01

    Not too bad here, thanks!

    you 10:31:52

    I actually have sent a ticket regarding the same matter, but I believe I can get somewhat more detailed answer to my question

    you 10:31:56

    by this

    Dohemmius 10:32:36

    Sure, what seems to be the trouble?

    you 10:33:27

    I have split my question into three parts, let me go through one by one

    you 10:33:39

    First of all, is it clearly stated in the User License Agreement that the use of American

    account outside the Americas, i.e. Korea, Japan and Europue etc., violates the term of

    conditions of Blizzard?

    you 10:35:32

    I have already read through the license agreement, but some people desperately want to hear the answer directly from Blizzard

    Dohemmius 10:35:23

    It looks like you're just wanting to make sure you can use a Blizzard account registered to the US in other regions like Korea/Japan without being penalized?

    you 10:36:20

    exactly, putting aside any inconvenience they may experience in purchasing BattleCoin etc.

    Dohemmius 10:37:34

    Of course. A lot of payment systems are going to depend on where you're located and where the account is registered. That aside, playing from a different region than the account is registered is not something we penalize.

    you 10:38:25

    Okay, thanks.

    you 10:38:43

    If so, does Blizzard ban, penalise or give disadvantage in any way to the user who creates American account outside the Amercas?

    Dohemmius 10:38:31

    We very often have people that create an account in the US and then move to Europe, forexample.

    Dohemmius 10:38:54

    I'm not sure what you mean by that.

    you 10:39:15

    Yes, I'm well aware of that, but some people just want to make it clear

    you 10:39:35

    Okay, it specifically links to the last question so I will just jump to that

    you 10:40:01

    I'm actually talking about the use of ip bypass

    you 10:40:03

    When a user tries to create an American account outside the Americas, he/she may have to use VPN or ip bypass, depending on where they reside. Does Blizzard in any way prohibit it or dissuade him/her from doing so as per the terms and conditions?

    Dohemmius 10:39:56

    If you have more specific questions about the terms of use, you may want to just contact our legal department at [email protected].

    Dohemmius 10:40:17

    I can't guarantee a reply, but Game Masters really aren't equipped to pick apart the terms of service and make judgements about that, to be honest.

    you 10:41:46

    Any idea how long it will take to get an answer from them?

    Dohemmius 10:41:36

    No, I can't guarantee a reply.

    Dohemmius 10:42:06

    Generally speaking we don't have a problem with people playing an account registered to a different country.

    Dohemmius 10:42:33

    If you're wanting some very specific information about the terms of service and such aside from that though, contacting the legal department will be your best bet.

    Dohemmius 10:42:59

    But the region where it was originally created doesn't much matter in that regard.

    you 10:43:26


    Dohemmius 10:44:38

    In your example, if someone creates a US account and then they travel with it, for example traveling to Korea to play for a competition

    Dohemmius 10:44:44

    We would not penalize that.

    Dohemmius 10:45:10

    They may run into various security features if they're constantly accessing the account from different locations.

    you 10:45:47

    Okay, that is, i believe, great answer to my question

    Dohemmius 10:45:59

    And if there is a permanent change in address, that is something we would typically need to verify and update as well. But just prohibiting people from moving or using their account if they happen to move? No.

    you 10:47:40

    Okay, I believe this will answer to most of doubts people have

    you 10:48:39

    some have insisted that Blizzard is supposed to penalise people just because they use the account to the US outside the US

    Dohemmius 10:48:47

    Well, if someone is not living in the US, and their account is registered to the US, that will cause other issues.

    Dohemmius 10:48:55

    Most notably with payments.

    you 10:49:24


    Dohemmius 10:49:13

    But it's not typically something that we would hunt down and penalize.

    you 10:49:46

    Great, thank you so much for your help today

    you 10:49:49

    that was all for today :)

    Dohemmius 10:49:34

    You're welcome.

    Dohemmius 10:49:38

    Have a good rest of your day.

    you 10:50:44

    You, too.

    결론 1. 북미 계정을 북미가 아닌 다른 지역에서 만드는 것은 블리자드가 제재하는 부분이 아니다.

    결론 2. 북미 계정을 북미가 아닌 다른 지역에서 사용하는 것은 블리자드가 제재하는 부분이 아니다. 

    결론 3. 북미 계정을 다른 지역에서 사용할 때 생기는 불편함(통화, 보안확인)은 사용자의 몫이지만, 이 역시 블리자드가 별도로 제재하는 부분이 아니다. 

    결론 4. 국내 보안확인 과정에 있어서 필요한 VPN 사용에 대한 더 자세한 법률적 검토는 별도의 부서(법무법인)에 문의를 넣는 것을 권유받았으나, 답변을 받을 거란 보장은 없다고 한다. 하지만, 보안확인에 관해서도 GM의 답변은 블리자드가 제재하는 부분이 아니라는 것으로 일관된다.

    그러므로 morning똥(ㄴㅇㅈ)님의 언행과 아몰랑식 논리전개에 대한 정식 사과를 요구하는 바입니다.

    이 게시물을 추천한 분들의 목록입니다.
    [1] 2017/04/10 10:36:22  61.68.***.128  왜닉넴6자에요  493756
    [2] 2017/04/10 10:41:46  114.206.***.134  왓더시발  422859
    [3] 2017/04/10 11:33:49  1.215.***.196  해삼말미잘  626658
    [4] 2017/04/10 11:58:27  118.129.***.140  JP모건s  427043
    [5] 2017/04/10 12:19:51  222.113.***.101  오빠는토끼야  487545
    [6] 2017/04/10 12:37:48  183.101.***.238  1453  118697
    [7] 2017/04/10 13:08:35  172.68.***.37  뺆  175759
    [8] 2017/04/10 13:36:36  108.162.***.227  외눈박의지연  85688
    [9] 2017/04/10 13:46:09  211.109.***.250  #들꽃  744256
    [10] 2017/04/10 14:30:13  203.226.***.109  고미호  99690
    푸르딩딩:추천수 3이상 댓글은 배경색이 바뀝니다.
    (단,비공감수가 추천수의 1/3 초과시 해당없음)

    죄송합니다. 댓글 작성은 회원만 가능합니다.

    번호 제 목 이름 날짜 조회 추천
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    단축키 운영진에게 바란다(삭제요청/제안) 운영게 게시판신청 자료창고 보류 개인정보취급방침 청소년보호정책 모바일홈