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    개인차단 상태
    가입 : 13-06-01
    방문 : 1497회
    닉네임변경 이력

    피터파커님의 댓글입니다.
    번호 제목 댓글날짜 추천/비공감 삭제
    82 긔요미 윤하 [새창] 2013-11-17 17:44:07 0 삭제

    81 팝스타 아리를 도트로 만들어 보았습니다.[BGM] [새창] 2013-11-14 22:21:21 0 삭제
    오유에 이런 재능을 가지신 분들이 있다는게 감사할 따름..
    80 소금을 마약으로… 가짜 마약 판매한 20대 [새창] 2013-11-12 09:09:36 0 삭제
    게임을 마약으로 지정하는 우리와 다를게 없는데요 뭐
    79 챔프세일하나여?? [새창] 2013-11-12 09:06:22 0 삭제
    아이오니아 서버 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 오세아니아도 나중에 하지않을까요
    78 원 게시글이 삭제되었습니다. [새창] 2013-11-11 19:28:26 0 삭제
    Respond가 맞는것 같네요. Reply는 대답한다는 뜻이라 적합하지 않고, answer me는 약간 강요식? 질문에 답하라고 하는 것 같아서 아닙니다.
    77 원 게시글이 삭제되었습니다. [새창] 2013-11-11 08:57:24 0 삭제
    아아 ㅜㅜ 좋다
    76 고3 새끼들 유세떨지마 수능 다치는거 뭐있나 [새창] 2013-11-07 18:12:11 0 삭제
    작성자: 팝스타 아리라고는 안했다 ㅋ
    75 이럴때 되게 기분 좋지 않나요 ㅋㅋㅋ [새창] 2013-11-07 18:09:07 1 삭제
    베인은 손싸움이라 할 수 있어요. 제 경험으로는 베인이랑 이즈를 둘다 해봐서 이즈로 베인을 이기기도 쉽고 베인으로 이즈를 이기기도 쉽거든요. 일단 이즈리얼의 기본기만 갗추시면 레인에서는 문제가 없을꺼에요. 당연한거지만 정말 킬이 확실치 않을때에는 베인상대로 앞비젼하면 안돼요. 잘하는 베인이라면 구르기! 그다음에 벽꿍해서 역관광 당할때가 많거든요. 일단 q짤이랑 베인이 막타먹을때 평타 짤짤이를 해서 싸움을 유리하게 이끌어나가야해요. 6렙후에는 베인이 이즈보다 월등히 강하니까 견제에만 신경쓰시다보면 킬이 들어와있을거에요
    74 [IU] 주간아이돌 IU컷 [새창] 2013-11-06 20:23:19 0/11 삭제
    못생긴것 같은데 잘생겼어
    73 원 게시글이 삭제되었습니다. [새창] 2013-11-06 19:54:20 0 삭제
    잘 치실 거에요!! 파이팅!
    72 (bgm)요즘 이분에 너무 빠질것같아요 [새창] 2013-11-06 19:43:05 5 삭제
    칫.... 윤하때문에 추천을 안할 수 없게 만들었군...
    71 원 게시글이 삭제되었습니다. [새창] 2013-11-05 20:21:44 0 삭제
    아 한줄 더 있군요

    Chinese electronic commerce market's future growth prediction (scale unit (denomination): hundred million yuan, source: Mckenzie
    70 원 게시글이 삭제되었습니다. [새창] 2013-11-05 20:07:01 0 삭제
    대충 다한것 같네요 ㅋㅋㅋ 정말 사례바라고 한건 아니니깐 도움 되셨길 바래요!! 재능기부라 생각하죠 뭐 ㅋㅋ

    In three years time, it is expected that China will beat America to become the world's largest nation with the biggest market of electronic commerce.
    By accounting numerous reports from sources such as Barclay's Capital, Mashable predicted that in 2015, Chinese E-commerce industry will worth about four-hundred and twenty billion dollars, taking the lead away from America by 20%.
    Since 2010, Chinese E-commerce market grew by 66%, recording an economic value of a hundred and twenty-one billion dollars. It is expected that Chinese market will continue to grow for the next three years, tripling the size of it is now.
    There are hundred and ninety million online shoppers in china. By 2015, each of them are expected to spend about thousand dollars per annum through online shopping. This is equal to the amount that hundred and seventy million Americans are currently spending online. BCG (Boston Consulting Group) predicted that the E-commerce market of year 2015 will take over 8% of the Chinese retail market.
    Middle-classed people in china are positioned in the core of this growth. Equity group predicted that the number of middle-classed people will continue to rise from two hundred million to eight hundred million people over the time period of 20 years. As government grants increased, over five hundred million people were able to access the internet, causing a massive boom in the electronic commerce market. It only costs 10 dollars per month to access the internet in China, which is a lot cheaper in comparison with other countries; India requires 30 dollars and Brazil requires 27 dollars for internet access.
    China engulfs America in future growth potential. Only 13% of 1.3 billion people in China are friendly with online shopping while 53% of Americans are using this feature.
    Electronic commerce markets in china are basically controlled by Different web medias such as Alibaba, Baidu (search engine) and a SNS company Tensent. Taobao, a company owned by Alibaba occupies 90% of the entire E-commerce market. According to Goldman Sachs, Taobao will be valued over 14.3 billion dollars due to its profit of 700 million dollars. Companies such as T-Mall and 360buy.com are also leading the E-commerce market in China.
    Interest thing about this is; since Chinese consumers do not trust the media such as ads and news, social comments and reviewers like our 'Power Bloggers' play an important role in decision making whether to buy the product or not. According to statistics from BCG, 40% of Consumers in China reads and uses the online reviews before they buy certain items or posts their own reviews, This is twice the number of people who does the same thing in America. Chinese people have a tendency of believing these advertisements as government propaganda. "The effect that Chinese social media has on E-commerce marketing is bigger than any other countries on Earth," said McKenzie, "but these companies aren't using these potential powers enough in marketing", he claimed.

    지금 아이들 막 과외시켜주고 그러느라 졸려서 문법적으로 잘못된 부분이 많이 있을거에요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 혹시 시간 되면 내일 다시 훑어보고 잘못된 부분이 있으면 고쳐볼게요!!
    69 원 게시글이 삭제되었습니다. [새창] 2013-11-05 17:11:05 0 삭제
    또 일이 생겨서 늦을 것 같네요 ㅋㅋㅋ 죄송합니다 오늘 중에 다시 번역해드릴게요
    지금까지 번역한거
    In three years time, it is expected that China will beat America to become the world's largest nation with the biggest market of electronic commerce.
    By accounting numerous reports from sources such as Barclay's Capital, Mashable predicted that in 2015, Chinese E-commerce industry will worth about four-hundred and twenty billion dollars, taking the lead away from America by 20%.
    Since 2010, Chinese E-commerce market grew by 66%, recording an economic value of a hundred and twenty-one billion dollars. It is expected that Chinese market will continue to grow for the next three years, tripling the size of it is now.
    There are hundred and ninety million online shoppers across china. By 2015, each of them are expected to spend about thousand dollars per annum through online shopping. This is equal to the amount that hundred and seventy million Americans are currently consuming. BCG (Boston Consulting Group) have predicted that the E-commerce market will
    68 원 게시글이 삭제되었습니다. [새창] 2013-11-05 13:52:12 0 삭제
    지금 일이 있어서 네시쯤에 번역 시작하겠습니다. 사례는 필요없어요. 네시쯤이면 늦지 않죠?

    [◀이전10개] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39]

    단축키 운영진에게 바란다(삭제요청/제안) 운영게 게시판신청 자료창고 보류 개인정보취급방침 청소년보호정책 모바일홈