게임이 진짜 주인 찾은거 같아 기분이 좋네요. 축하의 의미로 이중에 플레이 하고 싶으신거 있으시면 하나 골라주세요. 전달해 드리도록 할께요. retro/grade, Cubetractor, Ethan: Meteor Hunter, Clockwork Tales: Of Glass and Ink, And Yet It Moves, Oniken, Murder Miners, spate, Commando Jack, REALMS OF THE HAUNTING, GEARCRACK ARENA, EVILQUEST, SPACE HACK, SWEET LILY DREAMS, KNIGHTSHIFT, Explodemon, solar flux, circuits, Numba Deluxe, Nosgoth Veteran Pack, Crystals of Time, A Valley Without Wind 1 and 2 , Tidalis, Skyward Collapse, Shattered Haven, ONE DAY for Ched, Incoming Forces, Gun Metal, Hyper Fighters, CT Special Forces, Haegemonia: Legions of Iron, Haegemonia: The Solon Heritage, Rhiannon: Curse of the Four Branches, Power-Up, Platypus, Supreme Commander Gold Edition, Battle Group 2, Battlepaths, Villagers and Heroes