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    개인차단 상태
    가입 : 12-03-11
    방문 : 929회
    닉네임변경 이력

    곽카스님의 댓글입니다.
    번호 제목 댓글날짜 추천/비공감 삭제
    51 여긴 아무도 안봄 확신함ㅋㅋ [새창] 2012-03-22 00:28:45 0 삭제
    가버렷 항문과 함께
    50 젖고 젖은 가정교사 [새창] 2012-03-22 00:01:34 1 삭제
    미친놈은 생각보다 많다

    49 방금 엄마머리 밀어드렸어요.ㅎ [새창] 2012-03-18 23:17:03 0 삭제
    힘내세요.. 좋은 일만 있으실거에요
    48 원 게시글이 삭제되었습니다. [새창] 2012-03-18 22:56:46 0 삭제
    모르겠고 잠금해제하고싶다

    47 폭탄이 허엌 [새창] 2012-03-18 22:36:35 0 삭제
    폭탄이 무지 크구만..저 정도면....
    46 학생다왔어~.jpg [새창] 2012-03-18 22:33:16 0 삭제
    왜 내리질 못하니...
    45 떡뽂이가좀..맵네?.jpg [새창] 2012-03-18 22:27:45 0 삭제

    44 오이넣고싸는소녀.jpg [새창] 2012-03-18 22:23:29 0 삭제
    43 저장용.txt [새창] 2012-03-18 22:11:44 0 삭제
    Seven o'clock, you wake me up at one o'clock to eat to stay with me
    You care about me happy and sad never be lazy around silently follow me
    Finally got off work at six six eight candlelit dinner is ready
    With your scent, your smile, such as candy and trying to get into the stomach
    You are my body clock when I moved
    You think I think I made a dream with you will not waste a second
    Love with you across the space-time around the world clock noisy noisy no use
    You hold love the flow of time how you look like you exist
    Add to my life lovely to share your love to share your now
    Past too slowly to occupy my movie watching in the next half past nine, half past ten ready to sleep
    You by my side to hide the sense of discovery, never enough
    Eleven had already fallen asleep twelve, in a dream to continue to make you laugh
    Quietly tell you the secret of my heart, silly, I was too lucky
    You are my body clock when I moved
    You think I think I made a dream with you will not waste a second
    Love with you across the space-time around the world clock noisy noisy no use
    You hold love the flow of time how you look like you exist
    Add to my life lovely to share your love to share your now
    In the past had slowly occupy my future hold I hold the umbrella blow me blow the wind
    With the whole world with you across the space-time of life
    World clock noisy noise did you hold
    To prove that our love with you watching the flow of our inseparable time
    42 저장용.txt [새창] 2012-03-18 22:11:44 4 삭제
    Seven o'clock, you wake me up at one o'clock to eat to stay with me
    You care about me happy and sad never be lazy around silently follow me
    Finally got off work at six six eight candlelit dinner is ready
    With your scent, your smile, such as candy and trying to get into the stomach
    You are my body clock when I moved
    You think I think I made a dream with you will not waste a second
    Love with you across the space-time around the world clock noisy noisy no use
    You hold love the flow of time how you look like you exist
    Add to my life lovely to share your love to share your now
    Past too slowly to occupy my movie watching in the next half past nine, half past ten ready to sleep
    You by my side to hide the sense of discovery, never enough
    Eleven had already fallen asleep twelve, in a dream to continue to make you laugh
    Quietly tell you the secret of my heart, silly, I was too lucky
    You are my body clock when I moved
    You think I think I made a dream with you will not waste a second
    Love with you across the space-time around the world clock noisy noisy no use
    You hold love the flow of time how you look like you exist
    Add to my life lovely to share your love to share your now
    In the past had slowly occupy my future hold I hold the umbrella blow me blow the wind
    With the whole world with you across the space-time of life
    World clock noisy noise did you hold
    To prove that our love with you watching the flow of our inseparable time
    41 백내장.jpg [새창] 2012-03-18 21:10:07 0 삭제
    이번 수술은 내가 집도한다

    40 공사장 소음때문에 걱정하는 임산부.jpg [새창] 2012-03-18 18:03:43 0 삭제
    호주도 그렇고 몇몇 국가에서는 임산부에게 금연하라고 안하는데도 있데요 스트레스가 더 큰 악영향을 준다고..
    글고 호주는 애기엄마가 애기안고 담배핌 근데 생일이언제에요?밑에님?
    39 (BGM)[이미지]2012년 고3들을 잠못들게 만들 것들 [새창] 2012-03-18 17:16:41 0 삭제
    정답!! BAKKY

    38 브이포벤데타 세얼간이 등등 이런류 영화점여 명언많은걸루춫현좀 [새창] 2012-03-18 17:14:46 0 삭제
    V for Vendetta
    3 Idiots

    37 과학적으로 증명된 영어공부법.jpg[bgm] [새창] 2012-03-18 17:12:29 0 삭제
    호주에 워킹홀리데이 다녀왔는데 대부분의 우리나라사람들은 머리속으로 영어문장을 만들고 말하려고 함 그러니까 속도도 느려지고 맞는지 몰라고 부끄러워해서 목소리도 작아진다고 생각함. 다른나라애들보면 그냥 문법에 안맞게 막 뱉음 ..
    진지는 김치볶음밥

    [◀이전10개] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17]

    단축키 운영진에게 바란다(삭제요청/제안) 운영게 게시판신청 자료창고 보류 개인정보취급방침 청소년보호정책 모바일홈