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    개인차단 상태
    가입 : 11-12-12
    방문 : 134회
    닉네임변경 이력

    곰팅이님의 댓글입니다.
    번호 제목 댓글날짜 추천/비공감 삭제
    34 영어 일기 짧게 썼는데 한 번 봐주세요... [새창] 2012-03-31 06:32:45 0 삭제
    Yesterday, I had English class, and it was very fun.
    I think I need to study grammar more. I will do my best.

    고쳤어요. Took 이런건 뭐 시간 지나서 영어수업 들었었다 이렇게 말할때 주로쓰이구요
    영어수업 내일모래나 다음주에 또있고 그러는 거지요?
    그러면 그냥 I had English 이러면 되요 그런데 class는 붙여도 되고 상관없음..

    그리고 주어 바꼈는데 한 문장에 있으면 comma 꼭 써주셔야해요 and 전에
    그리고 that 보단 it 이 그럴싸하구요
    I thought 보만 I think 이 더 옳아요.. 그냥 그 감이
    그리고 동사 그냥 itself로 2개가 존재할순없죠
    I need to study 이렇게 바꿨구요
    grammar은 스펠링이 틀려서 ㅇㅇ
    33 영어 일기 짧게 썼는데 한 번 봐주세요... [새창] 2012-03-31 06:29:20 0 삭제
    an 안들어가는데요
    32 하이킥3 마지막회 보고 감동적이라서 눈물났어요 [새창] 2012-03-30 08:58:24 0 삭제
    흠 ... 그러고보니까 여러가지 복선을 암시해놓고 밍숭맹숭하게 끝내서 시청자들이 화난거군요

    31 여자분들 솔직히. 26 살에 모쏠 남자가 접근해요면어때요.... [새창] 2012-03-28 20:07:29 1 삭제
    ㅋㅋㅋ 케바케 아니에요?...
    매력있고 재밌고 사람에게 뭔가 알고싶은 느낌 들게하고 그러면 그게 더 빛나보이겠지요
    아 이사람은 진정한사랑찾을라고 이렇게 기다렸나..?

    그런데 아니라면 이러니까 못사겨봤지 생각하죠 ㅋㅋㅋ
    남자들도 그렇지않나요 ㅋㅋㅋ?
    이쁜여자가 모쏠이면 대체 왜안사겼나 궁금해하지만
    오크가 모쏠이면 오크라서 안사겼구나 생각하자나용 ㅎㅎ
    30 한국가고싶다 [새창] 2012-03-27 21:33:03 0 삭제
    나도 한국가고싶다...내년 여름에 가는데 ㅠㅠ
    29 다정한남자vs나쁜남자.. 일반적으로 여자가 뭘더 좋아하나요 [새창] 2012-03-26 07:57:27 0 삭제
    다 필요없고 매력있는 남자
    28 원 게시글이 삭제되었습니다. [새창] 2012-03-25 23:17:49 0 삭제
    헉아녜여 ㅋㅋㅋ 저 미국에있어서 그런거 있어도 못써요
    근데 다시보니까 몇개 오타있네 ..
    27 원 게시글이 삭제되었습니다. [새창] 2012-03-25 13:54:43 2 삭제

    Such a power in any individual giving of their time in service to other
    so inspiring is really what is the undepending of our community

    Being able to have strong community making sure people are proud of that place
    which they live that take care of one another. It all has to do with building those connection and
    what better way to do that? then just start volunteering

    Once we step outside things we are doing to help ourselves and think about what do you think we can do to help others? that's volunteering

    Volunteers, look like me, they look like you They look like the people that you past on the street

    I am a marketing professional
    I am a pediotreatian
    I am a a non profit professional
    I am the found of technology Kinsolving? company

    I volunteer with girls on the run as Running buddy
    I volunteer with the San Francisco bicycle coalition
    I am scientist and an environmentalist
    I am an openly gay elected officials
    I volunteer at my citadel
    I am a daughter of immigrant parents
    I volunteer for sunday streets
    I am a member of board of director of Santee
    I am a partner with Detroit?
    I volunteer for the american red cross in san francisco
    There is one right way to volunteer. There are as many different ways to volunteer as there are people willing to volunteer.
    But I think what unites the discription I would say of volunteer
    is someone who cares someone who wants to be involved someone who wants to give something back
    I care about people and I care about environment
    I care about eradicating poverty
    I care about the quality
    I care deeply about the people who are on the french of out socienty
    I care about education
    I care about animals especially puppies
    I passinate about kids
    I care about people have home and have food
    sometimes it is easy to get just in the daily grounded and volunteer helps me break out of that and it makes me frustrated because of the all the world problems
    I can go and do something about it I can volunteer
    I think the best thing about volunteering is making different in me
    Brings the best thing about people and you make lifetime friendship doing this

    YOu really learning more about what I can push myself to do
    It is a way to spend your time and tournament
    It is your joy of building something with someone and seeing the results and bad
    You will meet people you would never had met otherwise, you will see the different side of life
    Best thing that Ive learned that I have applied to my home life, business life

    We have an obligation to build trust in community that afords us so much

    the advatage of having a workplace volunteer program is employees are energized when they are come back to the office

    It is great way to connect with my employeed outside of the office
    It is very important that business support the community that they business in and that those communities are healthy and thrive.
    Volunteering is the one of the best way to do that
    And you can know at the end of the day, you did something. You did something to changes life and you did something to change the community

    Volunteering isn't always easy but it always worth it
    The most challenging thing about volunteering is there is so many in need but there is only one of you
    You see non profit and you see community organizers with really limited resources that's thats hard to see

    Sometimes you feel like you cant go far enough. You know the need is always stretching way out in front of you

    I hope folks dont realize how impactful a little bit of the time can be

    I think the biggest that stops people from volunteering is fear that they just dont have enough time. My feeling is if you look at the rest of your life and how busy you are, you could say that about lots of thing you do

    But if you make the priority of your life, you will find time poured and actually other thing in your life will become much better too.

    Ive tried to find the way to connect my different world my personal life business life my volunteer activity all together

    I think once you are there, you dont think about in terms of time " I am gonna be here for two hours" you think about in terms of what you re doing

    Forget about calendar and be honest with your self and be honest with your community
    Tell them what you can do and Tell them what you cant do and

    There are organizations that can work with any number of scheduling challenges
    We just have to be open to being flexible to working our scehdule around the need

    The hardest thing about volunteering can be finding the right fit
    People should understand all get better field for what they like doing in life and find the volunteer opportunities that would satisfy that

    Take something that you are interested in or you think maybe you are interested in and try it. Try not just once but try it couple times.

    What problem do you see it in your community.
    What do you see that you wanna solve
    Becuase I can gaurantee you there is someone working on that and they can use your help

    A million different way you can make the different. Pick any one of those. and go for it

    The first step is always just asking what it is you can do to help

    Even couple of hours on the weekend or during the weekday maybe your lunce. All of that matters.

    The opportunities are there. All we need to do is look for it.

    For those who are wondering how to volunteer what to get involved in
    You only need one website.


    They can get you involved in all kinds of things across Bay area where you can make the difference.

    for people who have volunteerd yet, they just havent met the right connection. The volunteer center is here to help you make the connection

    Let the Volunteer center connect you to cause you love
    26 원 게시글이 삭제되었습니다. [새창] 2012-03-25 12:54:31 1 삭제
    더이상 못해먹겠어 저게 1분어치정도
    25 원 게시글이 삭제되었습니다. [새창] 2012-03-25 12:54:19 1 삭제
    Such a power in any individual giving of their time in service to other
    so inspiring is really what is the undepending of our community

    Being able to have strong community making sure people are proud of that place
    which they live that take care of one another. It all has to do with building those connection and
    what better way to do that? then just start volunteering

    Once we step outside things we are doing to help ourselves and think about what do you think we can do to help others? that's volunteering

    Volunteers, look like me, they look like you They look like the people that you past on the street

    I am a marketing professional
    I am a pediotreatian
    I am a a non profit professional
    I am the found of technology Kinsolving? company

    24 익명으로 솔로기간 몇년인지 까봅시다. [새창] 2012-03-15 01:05:27 0 삭제
    22살 여!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    23 화이트데이때 여자들이 가장 받기 싫어하는것들 [새창] 2012-03-14 06:45:55 0 삭제
    받기싫은 1,2,3,4위가 제일 받고싶은건데 ㅋㅋㅋ
    22 (급합니다.)울 아기 이름 좀 지어주세요!!~ [새창] 2012-02-26 11:12:04 0 삭제

    21 그런데 여자랑 무슨 얘기해요? [새창] 2012-02-26 02:14:45 0 삭제

    일단 처음에 뭐 취미나 여가시간있을때 뭐하고 시간 보내냐고 물어보구요
    뭐 좋아하냐
    음악 뭐 좋아하냐 음식가튼거 뭐 좋아하냐 뭐 이렇게 간단하게 물어보고...
    님이 요새 포커스하는 것들이나 어제 뭐했나 등등 그러면서 님이야기도하면서 그러는거져 ..ㅋ..
    글구 친해지면 속마음도 이야기하는거고 (예를들어 님이 힘드러하는것들~ )ㅋㅋㅋ

    20 지드래곤 그만 까라 냄새나는 인간들아 [새창] 2012-02-22 08:49:04 2 삭제
    대마는 다른 마약으로가는 통로죠 ㅋ....
    대마에 익숙해지면 더 쎄고 자극적인걸 원하겠지요?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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    단축키 운영진에게 바란다(삭제요청/제안) 운영게 게시판신청 자료창고 보류 개인정보취급방침 청소년보호정책 모바일홈