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    개인차단 상태
    가입 : 11-05-01
    방문 : 202회
    닉네임변경 이력

    jisun님의 댓글입니다.
    번호 제목 댓글날짜 추천/비공감 삭제
    79 FCE 질문좀 부탁드릴게요. [새창] 2012-11-30 22:39:07 3 삭제
    1. As a result of the strong wind last night,several tiles came off the roof.
    : Several tiles came off the roof (because the wind was) so strong last night.

    2. In my opinion, Ali is clearly going to be very successful.
    : I (don't have any doubt) that Ali is going to be very successful.

    3. Simona last wrote to me seven months ago.
    : I (heard ) Simona for seven months.

    4. I don't recommend hiring skis at this shop.
    It's (not advisable to hire) skis at this shop.

    5. Mike's father started the company that Mike now runs.
    : The company that Mike now runs (set up and started by) his father.

    3번은 잘 모르겠네요. 고수분의 도움이 필요할듯 합니다.
    78 이 문제 틀렸을까요? ㅠㅠ [새창] 2012-11-30 20:31:02 0 삭제
    There can be no such thing as a sanctuary in a criminal investigation.
    We are always wistful and nostalgic for a time before television
    77 SLUMP [새창] 2012-11-30 18:55:05 0 삭제
    '황마궁디를'님. 하하하 영어 전공자는 아니고, 그냥 영어에 관심은 많습니다. 좀 더 잘하고 싶은 욕심이랄까요. :)

    "부담없이 간단하게"라는 조언이 참 와닿네요. 아마, 아직 실력이 너무 부족해서 인가 봅니다.

    말씀대로 다독과, 꾸준한 스피킹 연습을 해야겠네요.

    처음에는 즐기면서 공부했는데, 참 어렵네요. 하하하하 이 산을 넘어야 또 다른 산으로 갈 수 있겠죠? 헤헤

    아무튼 어줍잖은 한탄이었는데, 리플 감사합니다. :) 또 하나의 도움이 되었습니다. 감사합니다. 좋은 하루 되세요!
    76 SLUMP [새창] 2012-11-29 15:12:18 0 삭제
    Ah, I'm so surprised by your comment to introduce me to your foreign friends and would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. If you do it, of course, it would be so nice to me. I really hope that it would be happen. Anyway, pls, give me your email address. ASAP I’ll send you an email including a detail. Incidentally, I recently tend to be stuck in a rut on studying English without even knowing the reason, but thanks to your comments, I’m motivated again like being refr*shed. Even though it’s sort of being obsessed, it’s good to me right now. Anyway, pls, give me your email address, and thanks everyone.
    75 SLUMP [새창] 2012-11-29 04:22:19 0 삭제
    And, I hope you to point out my mistakes I made in my posting.
    74 SLUMP [새창] 2012-11-29 04:13:32 0 삭제
    Wow, I think, before replying something, that I should thank you for your sincere advice. Thank you for your replying and some part of yours help to me honestly. From your comments, I could realized again that my level is more under than what I expected it. ㅠㅠ Frankly, you got a little bit wrong deduction(I don't know whether to summon appropriate word). It is that I lived abroad for six months, even though it's too short to study some language and the country where I lived don't use English as first mother tongue. hahah However, there is no doubt that I have spent many times studying English not just to get a high score for a proficiency test. Furthermore, now, I go to an Academy for my speaking skills, but the problem is it's totally not enough and effective for me. It's because my tutor is like a terrible something(I could not explain why at here). Thus, I'm interested in your offer. just give me your email if you still want to do it. Additionally, I would be older than what you guess. :)
    73 모르는구문이있어서 몇개질문할게요 [새창] 2012-10-29 21:38:37 0 삭제
    that ca be taken orally - 입으로 복용 할 수 있는 이라는 뜻으로 대충 해석 되는것 같아요.

    Now it is being made available to millions of overweight men and women who are losing as much as ten pounds a month.

    여기서 is being make available to

    make (목적어생략) available to sb

    누군가에게 무엇인가가 가능하게 만들어 지고 있다. 대충 이렇게 해석하시면 되겠네요..
    72 오늘회사에서 부사장님이 정말 멋있는게 자랑!!! [새창] 2012-10-29 11:29:21 0 삭제
    우왕 굳!!
    71 원 게시글이 삭제되었습니다. [새창] 2012-10-28 05:08:52 1 삭제
    The couple separated May 2, 1997, months shy of a milestone in their prenup that would have upped Maples' settlement.
    70 영어단어 저장용 [새창] 2012-10-28 04:49:40 0 삭제
    Sometimes people needs some places where you could be sort of a solitary person out of their small life.

    Do not rage easily to a person even who make you feel insulted. Everyone says things that they regret when they're stressed or worried.
    When you finally have the pleasure of saying the thing you mean to say at the moment you meant to say it, remorse inevitably follows.
    69 Psy did Q&A at reddit just now [새창] 2012-10-25 13:32:25 0 삭제
    Hahahah funny
    Do you see paparazzi photo for him?
    Ho looed like a real world star. Hahha
    68 let's share useful website for learning English. [새창] 2012-10-25 00:43:03 0 삭제
    Thanks a lot for those sites you guys suggest.
    I'd like to add a few more sites.

    http://thisibelieve.org/ - I think this sites could be very helpful for people who want to read an essay.

    http://me2day.net/vv200 - You can learn a daily expression. It would be more convenient, if you use its site by your smart phone.
    67 최근 영어게시판에 활동 유저분들이 늘은 것같네요 [새창] 2012-10-23 23:02:03 0 삭제
    유머싸이트이긴 하지만 그 속에서라도 조금이나 영어를 활용할려고 찾고 있죠 ㅎㅎ
    66 Check your English Level! [새창] 2012-10-23 13:40:19 1 삭제
    haha, don't be serious guys.
    i just suggested that site as 'fun.' :)
    this board is English Board. right?
    65 베게에 있던 심청전 영상 중 한부분 번역해봤는데. 함 봐주세요. [새창] 2012-10-23 02:20:45 0 삭제
    is it the performance by 차지연? i probably watched that before.
    you're done very well. :)

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    단축키 운영진에게 바란다(삭제요청/제안) 운영게 게시판신청 자료창고 보류 개인정보취급방침 청소년보호정책 모바일홈