인물ㅇ묘사와 감정 묘사의 글을 많이 접해보고 그 중에 한 문단씩은 정독하는 걸 하고 있는데요! 질문이 있습니다.
Beep Murphy was Mr. Murphy's oldest son. He was a grown man, really, but he was retarded, with round, small, Mongoloidfeatures that made him baby-faced forever. He walked around in overalls and a thick sweater, smiling endlessly as he swept floors and cleaned the portable toilets outside the building and picked up trash, which he deposited in his white plastic bucket with flower decals on it.
portable toilet은 어떤 toilet인가요?
Mongoloid feature은 어떤 feature 인가요?
overall sweater가 자기 사이즈보다 큰 옷인가요?
마지막 문장은 어떻게 해석하나요?
Roanie strode across the aisle and shoved the man on the shoulder. I've never forgotten that sight. Roanie, a shabby, lean, fourteen year old boy, aiming a murderous stare at a grown man. A gangly young wolf confronting a pampered spaniel. Roanie's face was contorted. He was almost crying. "You son of a bitch" he said.
볼드체 문장을 해석을 어떻게 하면 좋을까요?