The mining industry has faced criticism for securing unduly favourable tax concessions from African governments desperate to harness resource wealth.
In a
report for the
Institute of Development Studies in February, research fellow Jeremy Allouche said more investigation was needed into how mining might have left countries in west Africa more vulnerable to Ebola, noting there was no direct correlation but that the issue merited more study.
“Governments need that capital to come into country and so concessions are sometimes necessary. I do think there is a case to to be made for transparency … so people can understand why and what’s in [the deals].”
“The headline news is not that people were corrupt … The headline news was that the auditor general was allowed to do the report,” Sisay said. “Getting it into the system now that people will be held to account bodes well for the future. It’s a long process. It’s a painful process, but it’s definitely a move in the right direction.”
어제 자 가디언지 (이번 에볼라 발병국가중 하나인 시에라리온의 광산업에 관한)
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