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리듬체조는 채점표가 공개되는 종목이 아니라서 제 분석은 어디까지나 추측입니당.
어디서 얼마를 받는구나 뜯어보는게 제 취미라서ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그냥 취미삼아 해본거에염
back walk over+ panchee(in flat foot) 0.5점
Mastery(free rotations+body rotation,without sight,without help of hands) 0.3점
Mastery(one free rotation,small throw and catch+without hands) 0.3점
back scale balance 0.5점
dance step 0.3점
Mastery(throw and catch+rotation,without help of hands,without sight) 0.3점
walk over + back arch 0.6점
stag leap with back bend 0.5점
Mastery(throw and catch,body rotation+catch under the leg) 0.3점
turn leap 0.5점
risk1(free rotation around its horizontal axis,rt3,axis change,catch without hands,passing through) 0.7점
originality (free rotations around its vertical axis(neck,chest),transmission+ body rotation) 0.4점
panchee turn 3 + wave 0.9점
turn leap with back bend X 2 = 1.4점
risk2 (rotation around its vertical axis,rt2,axis change,catch without help of hands,direct rotation with catch) 0.6점
dance step 0.3점