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게시물ID : gomin_1318788짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 인가탐
추천 : 0
조회수 : 495회
댓글수 : 17개
등록시간 : 2015/01/14 00:25:36
간단하게 쉬운 단어위주로 써봤는데요. 문법이랑 표현, 단어선택 같은거 봐주시고 피드백 해주시면 감사하겠습니다.^^ 특히 관사가 많이 서투른데 자연스러운가좀 봐주세요 ㅎㅎ
Cut Down to Live Happily
Recently, the movie of Christopher Nolan, Interstellar gained much popularity. The story of Interstellar is that humankind struggle to seek a new planet because of environmental pollution of the earth. Humankind overused resources of the earth and polluted environment so climate change occurred and disasters came to humankind. It is a just story of the movie but it can be realized. Actually many signs of climate change are occurred all over the world and natural resources are being exhausted. I think we should save the resources for two reasons.
First, it is an environmental reason. Like the preceding, humankind are overusing resources. Natural resources such as oil, gas and forest are decreasing rapidly. Natural resources require time to reproduce but we ignore it. If it exceeds acceptable limit, we will not be able to gain resources. Also, this can cause environmental disasters such as yellow dust and acid rain.
Second is a anthropologic reason. According to the story of stuff, we are not happy indeed when we buy new things again and again. We just consume resources because we are brainwashed. It is a just onsumerism culture and we should break it. Also, excessive consumption can cause exploitation of child labor. To supply tremendous amount of products, many corporates exploit children and it it obviously illegal.
To get over these problems of excessive consumption, we should strive individually and socially. Corporates should keep CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility)by applying envrionment management. Individual can help them by using environmental-friendly products and giving them feedbacks of their management. Most of all, we should realize crisis of environment and save resources.
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