혹시 오유인님들 중에서 ROMI(return on marketing investment)에 대해 잘 알고 계신분 있나요?:;
제가 원서를 가지고 있어서 해석이 잘 안되서 무슨 내용인지 모르겠네요..;;
ROMI가 뭔지 알려 주세요.ㅠ;
아 혹시 원서 해석가능하다면 올려보겠습니다.
ROMI-return on marketing investment is the metric du jour for analyzing many firm's marketing bottm lines. What exactly is ROMI? it is the revenue or profit margin (both are widely used) generated by investment in a specific marketing program divided by the cost of the program (expenditure) at a given risk level(the risk level is determined by management). the key word is investment - that is, in the planning process thinking of marketing as an investment rather than an expense keeps managers focused on using marketing dollars to achieve specific goals.