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[문법 6개] 토익 고수님들 도와주세요~
게시물ID : english_9926짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : audiogasm
추천 : 0
조회수 : 399회
댓글수 : 9개
등록시간 : 2014/11/27 19:07:55
1. Q. ----- Manchester Iron was established, the global steel industry was experiencing significant gtowth, mainly due to a strong demand for machinery and equipment.

A. In regard to/ At the time/ On the other hand/ Instead of - 정답은 at the time

여기서 저는 in regard to 를 골랐는데요, 이게 답이 될 수 없는 이유를 알려주세요

2. Q. For products that ----- to be defective upon delivery, please report the matter immediately to our customer service department at 555-4382.

A. found / have found/ find/ are found - 정답은 A

여기서 have found도 가능하지 않나요? 답이 될 수 없는 이유를 알려주세요

3. Q. The company wanted to build its headquarters in the financial district ----- near the city center.

A. so/ or/ to/ either - 정답은 or


1) 회사는 경제 지구에 있는 본사를 도심'으로(to)' 옮기고 싶어했다라는 의미에서 to나

2) 회사는 본사를 경제지구에 지어, 그래서(so) 도심에 가까이 두고 싶었다라는 의미에서 so를 

1),2) 번이 안되는 이유를 알려주세요.

4. Q. Fairview Hotels has six ----- on the North American mainland and two resorts in Hawaii, and has plans to build one more hotel in Alaska next year.

A. amenities/ supplements/ locations/ categories - 정답은 locations

여기서 amenities가 안되는 이유를 알려주세요

5. A. ----- the problems with the new assembly line equipment have been repaired, the factory's new production schedule will be put into effect.

A. Meantime/ Despite/ Moreover/ Once

여기서 meantime이 안되는 이류를 알려주세요

6. We are looking forward to ----- you there!

A. joining/ viewing/ having/ getting - 정답은 having

여기서 joining이 안되는 이유를 알려주세요

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