출제위원회에서 말한 정답은 4번인데
5번을 보시면 Compared to 2006, 2012 recorded an eighteen percent increase in the category of cell phone numbers.
해석하면 2012년에 2006년과 비교해서 category of cell phone numbers 에서 18%가 증가 했다 라고하는데
통계학적으로 보면 18%가 증가했다는 말은 2(%) x 1.18 = 2.36 (%) 가 된것이고, 정확한 표현은
Compared to 2006, 2012 recorded an 900 percent increase in the category of cell phone numbers.
Compared to 2006, 2012 recorded an eighteen percent point increase in the category of cell phone numbers.
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