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<title>The Cambodia Daily</title>
<body><center><font size="7"><I>The </I></font><font size="7">C<font size="6">AMBODIA <font size="7">D<font size="6">AILY</font>
<br><font size="3"> All the News without Fear or Favor│The Daily Newspaper of record since 1993 </font></center>
<br><font size="5"><font color="red"><B>Naga's Share Price Falls as Macao Languishes</font color></B>
<blockquote><font size="3"><align>The price of share in Cambodia's largest casino operation. NagaCorp Ltd have fallen
sharply over the past six months due to investors confidence in gaining stocks and plummmering
casion revenues in Macao, a gaming analyst said Tuesday</font><blockquote>
<blockquote><font size="5"><font color="red"><B>Apsara Air to Begin Flying This Month</font color></B>
<blockquote><font size="3">Apsara international Air, a new joint Chinese-cambodia airlinr, will launch flights, between
Phnom Penh and Siam Reap City later this months and an international route between China aned Cambodia by the end of this years, an
official at the state secretarist of Civil Aviation confrimed Thursday</font><blockquote>
정말 물어봐도 다 모른다고하고 물어볼곳이 여기밖에없어서ㅠㅠ