In Hong Kong, people are taking part in the social movement 'occupy central', yet some foreign media call It 'umbrella revolution '. In this protect, we just wanna to have 'one person, one vote' for the chief executive. We are looking forward to the democracy!! BUT not choose the one which Chinese government already pick. However, the government annoy our request and being violent to student. It is not acceptable to treat citizen in this way. Hope people from other country , not mislead by the media. Citizen just sit there to express their view, and student help to collect and deliver the resource peacefully . So we are taking our responsibility to state our view and our voice. For futher information: Here is the live for the protest
홍콩 시민들은 중국에서 정해진 친정부인사에게 표를 행사하는것이 아니라 제대로된 민주주의를 시행하고싶을 뿐인데 홍콩정부는 이를 물리적 폭력으로 탄압하고있다고 하네요. 그쪽도 언론장악이 심각한지, 시민들을 폭도로 매도하는 경향이 있는데 이에 흔들리지 말고 시민들은 그저 자신들의 의견을 내놓고 있다고하네요 새삼 이런 소식이 들어오니 부럽기도하고 기분이 오묘합니다.