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게시물ID : panic_85278짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : sodoge
추천 : 29
조회수 : 2783회
댓글수 : 13개
등록시간 : 2015/12/26 12:21:58
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Located at the centre of 12 radiating avenues in Paris, France, construction of the Arc de Triomphe took nearly 30 years to comp

에투알 개선문

파리, 프랑스

A whirlpool interchange, which was first built in 2006, connects three major roads by the Miracle Garden in Dubai, UAE

'기적의 정원'

두바이, UAE

The neighbourhoods of Sntosh Park and Uttam Nagar in India are some of the most built-up and densely populated

우땀 나가, 인도

Cargo ships and tankers are pictured waiting outside the entry to the Port of Singapore - the world's second-busiest port

순서를 기다리는 컨테이너 수송선


The Southern California Logistics Airport in Victorville, California, has a large boneyard of over 150 retired planes

150대의 비행기가 묻어져있는곳

빅터빌, 캘리포니아

Central Park in New York City spans 843 acres, which accounts for six per cent of the island of Manhattan

센트럴 파크박중심(...)

뉴욕, 미국

The Moab Potash Ponds in Utah is a stunning example of vibrant colour contrast between the bright blue water and salt

모압 포타쉬 연못

유타주, 미국

In Norfolk, Virginia, Lamberts Point Pier 6 is the largest coal-landing station in the Northern Hemisphere

노포크, 버지니아, 미국

Niagara Falls, which straddle the border between Ontario and the United States

니아가라 폭포

온타리오, 미국

The Great Pyramids of Giza, located on the outskirts of Cairo in Egypt

카이로, 이집트

Brasilia, the capital of Brazil

브라실리아, 브라질

The otherworldly Mount Whaleback Ire Ore Mine, located in Western Australia

아연 탄광

서 호주

The roads crossing along the Stelvio Pass, a road in Northern Italy, are the highest paved routes in the Eastern Alps

동 알프스 도로

북 이탈리아

The Burning Man festival, which is held in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada, USA

블랙 락 데서트

네바다주, 미국

The Nardo Ring is a high-speed circular test track in Italy

시험장 트랙


At the Huelva Orchard in Spain, fruit trees create a swirl-like pattern on the hills

에블라 농장, 스페인

The Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone National Park gets is vivid colour from pigmented bacteria that grow along its edges

옐로스톤, 미국

The Spiral Jetty is a counterclockwise coil jutting out from the Great Salt Lake in Utah, USA

그레이트살트레이크, 유타주, 미국

The blooming tulip fields in Lisse, Netherlands during the peak bloom season in April

리세, 네널란드

The town of Bourtange, Netherlands - shaped like a star

보울탕에, 네덜란드

Venice, Italy is fascinating to observe from above, with its canals, bridges and 78 giant steel gates across the three inlets


The Example DIstrict in Barcelona, Spain, is characterised by its strict grid pattern and apartments with communal courtyards

바르셀로나, 카탈루냐

The canal system of Amsterdam

암스테르담, 네덜란드

The Gamasolar Thermosolar Plant in Seville, Spain, uses 2650 mirrors to focus the sun's thermal energy

태양열 전력소

세비예, 스페인

Aluminum toxic waste gathers in the collection pond of a plant in Darrow, Louisiana

루이지애나주, 미국

Bondi Beach in Sydney, Australia

본디 바닷가

시드니, 호주

Plaza Del Ejecutivo in the Venustiano Carranza district of Mexico City

카란자 , 멕시코 시티, 멕시코

The medina quarter in Marrakech, Morocco is characterised by its winding, maze-like streets

마라켁, 모로코

19금 아니 19탄을 내놓겠으니 추천을 주십시오! 19탄을 허락해주십시오!
출처 http://imgur.com/gallery/YSJvI
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