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게시물ID : voca_8381짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 잡쥐
추천 : 0
조회수 : 1032회
댓글수 : 3개
등록시간 : 2014/10/12 23:42:04
Dental informatics: the right time
to invest in training and research?
These days, technology appears
to touch most aspects of our lives,
and dentistry is no exception. The
plethora of possibilities and
치과 정보학:
의료인에게 어떤 도움이 되는가?
피츠버그 치과 대학, 치과 정보학 센터의 소장이자 부교수인 Titus Schleyer, DMD,
PhD와의 인터뷰
Dental informatics: What’s
in it for the practitioner?
If one has questions, I’ve always
felt it is best to go to the source of
expert knowledge on the topic and
get the answers. Such was the case
when I was introduced to the fi eld
of dental informatics (DI) some time
ago. After I learned what DI does
and how it differs from information
technology (IT), it became clear to
me that our readers would most
certainly benefi t from knowing these
answers as well.
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