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[속보] 시리아 휴전협정 합의
게시물ID : sisa_826509짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 좋은연인
추천 : 21
조회수 : 1347회
댓글수 : 15개
등록시간 : 2016/12/29 21:26:03
MOSCOW ? The Syrian government and its most important ally, Russia, announced on Thursday that they had reached a cease-fire agreement with rebels in Syria and their patron, Turkey ? a potential turning point in a civil war that has lasted nearly six years and claimed over half a million lives.

The announcement follows the retaking of all of Aleppo, once Syria’s industrial capital and a stronghold of the opposition, by forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad, and negotiations in Moscow that involved Mr. Assad’s government, Russia, Turkey and Iran ? but, pointedly, not the United States.

출처 : NYT

시리아 정부군과 러시아는 반군과 cease-fire agreement에 도달했다고 밝힘
2016-12-30 13:12:15
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