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(펌)세계 최초의 남성인권에 대한 영화
게시물ID : military_78135짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 사이다네요
추천 : 10
조회수 : 837회
댓글수 : 9개
등록시간 : 2017/07/04 05:17:38
  • 펌글


YouTube 다큐영화 2위 구글플레이 다큐영화 1위

보코하람 납치사건언급은 사실과 다른
잘못된 인용이라서, 배제하고 봐주시기 바랍니다.

위키에 펀딩 관련한 내용. 감독 본인의 자금으로 영화 찍고 킥스타터 했다고 합니다
Jaye got the film off the ground with her own money as well as money from her mother, a co-producer, and her boyfriend.[2] After it became known that the film would not condemn the men's rights movement, Jaye was unable to find funding to cover the cost of the movie from traditional sources.[1][6] She instead started a campaign on the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter, which she called a last resort.[5] The Kickstarter project promised to be a "fair and balanced" look at the men's rights movement.[5] The effort was strongly criticized by some feminists[who?] but received support from Breitbart News columnist Milo Yiannopoulos.[7][8] In the end, the campaign exceeded its goal of $97,000 as well as two stretch goals to raise a total of $211,260.[9]
출처 https://www.clien.net/service/board/park/10929853
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