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[워프레임] 업데이트 11.6.0
게시물ID : gametalk_151104짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : Anony
추천 : 0
조회수 : 1140회
댓글수 : 1개
등록시간 : 2014/01/09 14:54:33

업데이트 11.6.0: Drakgoon







Drakgoon Flak cannon available now!

 새무기 추가 : Drakgoon 캐논 (슬래쉬 데미지 위주)

Send volleys of hot shrapnel flying and dominate the enemy with the Drakgoon Flak Cannon! Fire it in wide bursts to target multiple enemies or take aim and attack with a powerful, concentrated shot.



-  Increased stagger threshold and made stagger only occur on big hits instead of on accumulated damage; this should prevent situations where Quick Thinking would save you only to let you get knocked down and killed again.

비틀거림(stagger)에 대한 저항력을 높이고, 누적된 데미지에 의해 비틀거림이 발동되는게 아니라, 큰 충격을 받았을때만 발동되게 함으로써 무한 넉백에 의해 사망하는 경우를 막음.

- Changed enemy scaling for Endless Defense missions at high levels (now wave 100 enemies should be  around level 200 instead of 8000).

방어전 미션에서, 기존에 200레벨에서 8000마리가 쏟아져 나오던 비례를, 200레벨에서 100마리로 수정

- Removed the Candy Cane Scythe from the store.

- Improved Faction invasion momentum by periodically increasing score for leading faction by a small amount (since numerous stalemates have emerged which interfered with the flow of the system).

- Implemented Shadow Quality option for DirectX 11; also made it apply in places it did not previously. Changing this option now takes effect immediately (ie: no game restart required).

- Made all Warframe components sellable (1000 CR each).

 워프레임 부품이 판매가능으로 바뀜(인벤토리에서의 판매)

- Changed Lotus transmissions to reduce chatter: added delay to Mobile Defense reminders, Heavy Unit transmissions now have a 2 minute cool-down and can occur at most 3 times per mission.

- Loki’s Invisibility no longer reduces the volume of dialog and music.

- Changed logic that determines visual representation of damage mods on continuous-fire weapons (eg: Synapse, Ignis, etc).

The frequency of damage numbers used to be limited by using a minimum damage threshold. Since damage mods increase the rate at which damage accumulates, this would cause damage to be inflicted more often though each damage event would not necessarily be larger. This led to people thinking the mods did nothing because they didn't notice the increased rate at which numbers would appear (an easy mistake for low level damage mods). Similarly, headshots would make numbers appear more often but not necessarily create bigger numbers.

Now continuous fire weapons now limit the frequency of damage numbers by using a minimum time between impacts, regardless of how much damage has accumulated. This gives us a lot more control and should make things more obvious for players who are applying damage mods (it's easier to notice that numbers are 5% larger in magnitude vs being generated 5% faster)”

- 시냅스나 이그니스 같은 연속데미지 무기의 데미지 표시방식을 바꿈. 기존에는 연속데미지가 일정수치에 도달했을때 데미지숫자 표시가 뜨는 방식이었기 때문에,  데미지 증가모드를 사용해도 데미지 숫자가 뜨는 간격이 줄어들뿐 수치적으로 증가한거 같이 안보였음. 

이제는 연속데미지 무기의 데미지 표시 간격을 제한하고, 해당 간격동안 누적된 데미지가 숫자로 표시되게끔 바뀜.

(예를 들어, 50%데미지 증가 모드를 사용했을 경우, 기존에는 똑같은 50데미지란 데미지표시가 50%더 빠르게 튀어나오는 형태였다면, 변경후에는 데미지표시의 간격은 일정한 상태에서, 수치가 75로 증가된걸 직관적으로 확인할수 있음)


- Fixed issue with going past Wave 100 in Endless Defense resetting enemy levels and interfering with spawning.

- Fixed another potential cause of the Fog Epidemic of 2013 and 2014.

- Fixed Unranked mods not being tradable.

- Fixed Platinum earned through trading not being usable in Dojo.

- Fixed kills made with Ember’s Fire Blast not always counting towards your stats.

- Fixed Clients seeing gore when they have the gore turned off.

- Fixed Penta energy colour not always applying to grenades.

- Fixed issue with Rank 3 Weapon Mastery Challenge/Achievement not being updatd immediately.

- Fixed enemy warning transmissions playing when spawning turrets & cameras (the Lotus would say “Robots approaching!” when it was just cameras).

- Fixed excessive footstep sounds in cases where animation had to catch up with movement.

- Fixed issue in dojo where a player on the kneeling pad could slide off and be unable to stand up.

- Fixed fire-rate stats in the arsenal for continuous fire-weapons so you can correctly interpret the magazine size.

- Fixed issue with Volt being unable to melee if Overload was active or lingering.

- Fixed issue with Reactor Room door floating in dojo.

- Fixed issue with Polish translation of “Continue” and German text on Mercury overlapping UI.

- Fixed game crash when rebinding controls.

- Fixed Dojo crash related to large dojo’s building an elevator late in the dojo’s progress.

- Fixed crash caused by change in audio device.

- Fixed various crashes.

새무기 추가 하나된거 외에 특별한건 없어 보입니다.

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