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페이스북 계정 내 이력을 몇 개 지웠더니, 이런 멜이 오네요.
게시물ID : menbung_11153짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 어이무상
추천 : 2
조회수 : 464회
댓글수 : 0개
등록시간 : 2013/10/31 16:48:19
In a few days we'll be removing an old Facebook setting you've used in the past.

You'll see an announcement on Facebook and have several chances to learn about this before then.

We just wanted to tell you about this in advance so you have time to review what's changing and understand your privacy options

What's changing:

We're removing an old search setting called "Who can look up your Timeline by name"

—but this won't change who can see what you've shared on Facebook..

What did this setting do?

"Who can look up your Timeline by name" controlled who could find your Timeline by typing your name in search.

What will happen when the setting is removed?

Anyone will be able to look up your Timeline by your name
— but if they go to your Timeline, they'll only see what they already have permission to see.
Removing this setting doesn't change who can see your photos, status up;dates or other things you've shared.

Why is Facebook removing this setting?

When we created this setting, the only way to find you on Facebook was to search for your specific name.
Now, people can come across your Timeline in other ways: for example if a friend tags you in a photo, which links to your Timeline,
or if people search for phrases like "People who like The Beatles," or "People who live in Seattle," in Graph Search.

Today, the best way to manage who sees your stuff is to use your Privacy Shortcuts
(just click the lock icon at the top of every page of the Facebook website), and to choose who to share with when you post new photos and up;dates.

What's next?

You'll have more chances to review this info before the setting is removed—and we'll remind you on Facebook.
Want to review your privacy choices now? Here are some things you can do:
If you want to quickly limit the audience of things you've shared in the past to Friends, visit your privacy settings.

Each time you share a photo, link or status up;date, you can set the privacy for that specific post.
Take a look at what you've shared in the past—and who can see that info—by going to your activity log.
To get to your activity log, click the lock icon at the top of any page to open your privacy shortcuts.

페이스북을 안 쓰자니 정보가 많고, 쓰자니 페이스북이 기업에 내 정보를 넘기는게 찜찜해서
필요한 부분들을 지웠는데, 그게 뭐 큰 일이라고 이런 메일까지 날아오는지 모르겠네요.
이런 메일까지 보내는걸 보니 페이스북이 무엇을 하는지 생각이 보다 확실해지는 것 같습니다.
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