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몇문장 해석만 좀 부탁드리겠습니다 ㅠㅠ
게시물ID : english_7505짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 뒷북의황제
추천 : 0
조회수 : 498회
댓글수 : 1개
등록시간 : 2013/10/04 23:16:44
1. If you were your own enemy, the burst damages are calculated depending on your own resistances and health. It shows with blue color if your spell is AP, with red if your spell is AD and with white if your spell does TRUE damage.
2. Use this feature, if you are planning on using SkillShotPrediction with a value bigger than 1, and in case you are having a skillshot spell which doesn't depend on travel distance from you to the enemy, but instead is popping up from the ground or is falling from the sky, so the timing is the same always
3.  If you have this enabled, and you have specified any spells for harass order in the burst combo section, whenever you left click over an enemy and he becomes your target, you can HOLD [SPACE] to harass him with a combo specified by you. Items are not included in harass combos.

4. If you have this enabled, and you have specified any spells for harass order in the burst combo section then whenever you have marked with left click an enemy champion and you press Q/W/E/R it will be automaticaly casted on them without the need to hold mouse over the enemy.
무슨 내용인가요 ㅠ
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