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볼보의 안정성.gisa
게시물ID : car_55537짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 평정컴퓨터
추천 : 10
조회수 : 3657회
댓글수 : 43개
등록시간 : 2014/11/26 07:58:48

시보레 콜로라도 2004 픽업과 볼보xc90 suv의 빙판길 충돌사고.

시보레는 절반으로 갈라졌고 10대 후반 여성운전자는 헬기로 응급이송,
볼보 운전자는 가벼운 경상만 입음.

볼보하고 아우디하고 사고 난것도 본적있는데 아우디는 거의 반파, 볼보는 범퍼 약간 찌그러지고 구멍하나났더군요 ㄷㄷㄷ


One airlifted, truck ripped in two after morning crash (UPDATED)

November 6, 2014 at 9:21 am


A Forest Lake Area High School senior was hospitalized with severe head and neck injuries after an accident that ripped her pickup truck in half on the 11th Avenue bridge in Forest Lake.

According to reports from the Minnesota State Patrol and police reports, Jessica Erickson, 18, of Forest Lake, was driving a 2004 Chevrolet Colorado pickup truck east on the 11th Avenue/County Road 83 bridge shortly before 8 a.m. on Nov. 6. The bridge was covered in ice, and Erickson lost control of the vehicle and drove it into the path of a westbound Volvo XC90 SUV. The SUV t-boned the truck, tearing it in half. The cab of the pickup flipped over, seriously injuring Erickson, who was wearing a seatbelt. She was airlifted to North Memorial Medical Center in Robbinsdale. The SUV’s driver, Catherine Walker, 53, of Forest Lake, received a non-life threatening injury.

According to CaringBridge posts from family members, Erickson was placed in intensive care and underwent surgery the day of the accident to alleviate swelling and bleeding of the brain. As of press time, she was still in unconscious, according to the CaringBridge reports. The family is providing daily updates at caringbridge.org/visit/jessicaerickson.

Erickson is a member of the Ranger girls basketball team. Classmates and opponents reached out on social media to share well wishes and prayers for her. Even a Twitter account for the Chisago Lakes girls basketball team tweeted, “Thoughts and prayers for @FLRANGERS #30,” referencing Erickson’s jersey number.

“She’s a great kid, an honor student, and she’s just a joy to have in class as a teacher,” said Forest Lake Area Schools Athletic Director Aaron Forsythe.

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