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일본트리 공개 10티어는 중형전차 하나뿐
게시물ID : wtank_5250짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 자르반4세
추천 : 1
조회수 : 855회
댓글수 : 6개
등록시간 : 2013/09/20 00:10:09
i1591748824 (1).jpg

10티어 정보

주포 : 배고밀
무게 : 38톤
엔진 : 600톤
장갑 : 물렁


이름은 STB-1입니다.

포탑정면장갑은 120미리
측면은 110
후면은 60
포탑상부는 40미리이고

영국제 105m L7주포를 사용합니다.

부앙각 사진입니다.

부각이 6도라고 씨부리는거같은데 영어가 약해서 ㅠㅠ

Here is another riddle for WoT implementation. The gun elevation is + 9 and the gun depression is -6…in the turret alone. That does not take the hydro pneumatic suspension into account which adds another ± 6. Thus th1e full potential is + 15 and – 12. Again one option would be just to entirely ignore the problem if the end result is still a balanced tank. I think I can be ok with that decision in the case of the LAD but Japan specifically designed and utilized the hydro pneumatic suspension for their needs in the Japanese mountain and rice paddie filled terrain. It is very much a characteristic of the STB-1. So in short of actually adding support for a hydro pneumatic suspension (which by the way, the S-Tank will require if added) I would suggest cutting a half way deal. Naturally STB-1 would not usually run at high speeds looking down -12 degrees so it would be silly to add t1he full potential of the hydro pneumatic suspension to the gun arc in WoT. So make it half way. Half of 6 is 3. So I would suggest +12 and -9 for WoT.




Technically speaking, the armor is still classified. But there are estimations deduced from weight, dimensions, and on studies of numerous photos of shots under panels, welding points, and so on. The turret armor is the most speculative in nature.

Mantlet: Average thickness 195mm. There is no armor behind the mantlet.

Turret Front: 120mm
Turret side: 110mm
Turret rear: 60mm
Turret top: 40mm

For the side and rear turret, 100mm and 100mm is also a possibility but less realistic than the above estimation.

Front upper hull: 40 at 75° LOS 155
Front mid hull: 80mm at 65° LOS 189
Front lower hull: 80mm at 55° LOS 139
Side hull: 35mm
Rear hull: 25mm

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