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아래 노무현 국정원장에 관한 의혹 확인
게시물ID : sisa_336893짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 일베벌레
추천 : 0
조회수 : 263회
댓글수 : 6개
등록시간 : 2012/12/23 21:23:04

중앙일보가 제대로 전했네요


President Roh Moo-hyun named Kim Man-bok as the new chief of the National Intelligence Service (NIS) on November Kim is a career NIS officer and has been serving as the Deputy at NIS since April of this year.  The nomination came

in the wake of the abrupt resignation of the former NIS chief Kim Seung-kyu on October 26.  Kim was investigating a 

high-profile espionage scandal (reftel) that some say is partly to blame for his departure

밑에 마지막 문장 보면 '김(승규)는 고위직의/높은 중요성의/ 간첩 스캔들에 대해서 조사하고 있었고 일각에서는 이것이 김(승규)의 사퇴의 원인 중 하나라고 보고 있다

By naming someone from within the organization, the 

Blue House appears to be trying to maintain the 

organizational stability and keep a firm grip on NIS (by 

appointing a loyalist) at the end of this administration's 

term.  Skeptics point to Kim's promotion as evidence that the 

Blue House is trying to cover-up the spy scandal that is in 

the early stages of investigation within the NIS.

마지막 문장: 의심을 품는 자 중 일부는 김(만복)의 승진이 청와대가 지금 NIS가 조사하고 있는 간첩 스캔들을 조기에 덮으려 하려고 주장한다.

Although President Roh has been quoted as saying that 

"I do not change horses on battlefield," some critics say 

that Roh requested Kim's resignation in an internal meeting 

on October 25.  The opposition Grand National Party (GNP) 

offered its opinion on the matter by saying, "The resignation 

on the 26th was definitely submitted under the Blue House's 

influence" and went on to say Kim should remain in office at 

least until the espionage case was fully investigated. 

마지막 문장: 한나라당에서는 '26일 제출된 사표는 청와대의 입김이 작용했을 것 이다' 라고 말했고 '김(승규)는 적어도 간첩 사건의 조사가 완료될때 까지 국정원장으로 있었어야 한다.

중앙일보가 맞다니 ㄷㄷ;;

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