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세계 롤플레이어들이 보는 한국인 롤플레이어의 무례함
게시물ID : lol_423126짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 갱코HD
추천 : 7
조회수 : 3970회
댓글수 : 9개
등록시간 : 2013/12/30 16:53:41


레딧에 올라온글입니다. 유럽에서 게임하는데 친구들이 링크를 걸어주어서 경악을했습니다.

Here's the original comment

Background Story: I had been living in the US for about 13 years before being called back to Korea for the army. I'm currently waiting for my time to come, which is in May. During the wait, I decided to stop playing NA server so damn much (with 170 ping) and start playing on the Korean server.

I noticed some things right off the t: Remember that this is GENERALLY SPEAKING. This does not apply to all Koreans.

*Koreans are very strict on meta *Koreans like to rage (alot) *Koreans like to use the word "retard" for everything

That being said, I did not want to deal with all the shit from my teammates when I wanted to build damage on my Lee Sin jungle, or have to listen to the dumb calls they make. Therefore, I decided to make things a bit easier bypretending not to speak korean.

Here are a few things I have seen in the chats. *note that they do not know I can read, write, and speak Korean fluently.

Instance 1: (Someone pings invade)

Me: we invading?

Garen: [yes] (things in brackets mean they were spoken in korean)

Me: ????

Garen: no speak korea?

Me: naw I like english

Katarina: fuck u yankee

Me: yankee fuck u too

Ezreal: [is he really a foreigner?]

Darius: [i think so]

Ezreal: [I have a foreigner fetish...]

Katarina: [kekekekekekekekeke]

Garen: [what kind of retard believes that shit? yo Lee, speak korean.]


Garen: [Lee speak Korean or no leash]


Garen: Fuck u lee fuck u leash

Me: im sorry, please help ;-;

Instance 2: After I get a double kill at top, Darius decides to complain.

Darius: [Wow look at lee's items. He's going dps]

Me: ???

Darius: lee tank, no damage

Me: D: I like damage.

Darius: u take kills.

[What's ignite in english?]

Ezreal: [just say fire, be simple]

Darius: I had fire. why fuck take kills?

Me: :D Because I'm gud _V

Darius: [What foreigner uses emoticons? Yo lee, stop pretending ur foreign. We all know you're korean.]


(Ezreal gets a double)

Me: Go ezreal! :D

Ezreal: [this is why I have a fetish for foreigners. what a cutie]

Instance 3:

Me: I don't speak korean. sorry

Zilean: I no like english

Me: English doesn't like u either.

Zilean: [Yo guys what's he saying?]

Nidalee: [He said english doesn't like you retard]

Zilean: [ah] I fuck english boji (boji means vagina)

Nidalee: [kekekekekekekeke]

Instance 4:

Wukong: [we have a foreigner on our team]

Talon: [just say "lol" everytime he says something. or everytime we get a kill or everytime we die.]

Wukong: lol hello vayne

Me: hihi :D

(wu kong goes in alone and dies)

Talon: lol

Wukong: lol

Lulu: lol

Me: .....

More coming! If you guys want. I have alot of them saved and screenshotted somewhere... I just need to find them. These are just a few I came across last night while playing norms. I DELIVERED!



한 미국거주하는 한국인이 한국서버에가서 플레이를하는데 한국어를 안쓰고 미국인인양 행동을했습니다. 누가 뭐라하든 모르는척하고 일부로 관찰을 했답니다. 허나 한국서버아시죠? 욕하고 ㅄ ㅄ 하는걸... 이사람이 레딧에 정밀하게 묘사해서 글을 게시했는데 반응이좀 그렇네요. 한국인을 인종차별주의에 쌓여있는 장면들을 묘사해서 레딧에서 화제가 되고있네요

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