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CNN 댓글좀 모아 왓습니다
게시물ID : sisa_326372짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : remember625
추천 : 0/3
조회수 : 546회
댓글수 : 8개
등록시간 : 2012/12/20 10:20:17

1.Being a daughter of a dictator does not make her a dictator. I really have not seen anyone saying that she IS an dictator or any good rationale for that. You may disagree with her policy or views, but you should not blame her for being a daughter of the former president Park. If you really have to blame her for that, you will probably have to hate many people around yourself.

2. Different culture and far different Democratic principles S. Korea is an economic power and is one of fastest and with one of most stable economies in all of Asia going to begin flexing those powers in next few years.

President there not worshipped personality as is case here she will perform well or else.
VEery interesting pick by their economic leadership.

3. I know that she did not ciritisize or reject what her father did as an real dictator. She also has changed the tone of her defense for her father throughout the campaign probably not to lose votes. These things, to me, make her a real politician (not in a good sense), not a dictator. And I don't think that South Korea will go back to those old days with her as a president. The country and people in it are now too different from old days and the dictorship people worry about would not be possible (recall that the president Obama used to be called a secret muslim or a communist dictator.)

4.dont forget that korea is a democratic country. the majority of the nation voted for her so lets not assume that korea will be under dictatorship or whatsoever


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