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밑에 배틀아이 오류
게시물ID : dayz_4064짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 왕응덩이
추천 : 3
조회수 : 5368회
댓글수 : 0개
등록시간 : 2015/03/20 07:02:05
구글 검색을 생활화 합시다.
써주신 오류 메시지 고대로 구글치면 나오네여.
When launching the game I get a "Failed to install BattlEye Service." / "Failed to start BattlEye Service." / "Failed to initialize BattlEye Service: ..." error. How can I solve this?

Something on your system prevents the installation/startup of the BE Service, which is required to play on BE-enabled servers. Please ensure that any security software (anti-virus, etc.) running on your system doesn't block the BE Service (both BEService.exe/BEService_x64.exe in your game's "BattlEye" directory as well as the entire BE Service directory, which is usually "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\BattlEye") in any way. You might have to add it to your security software's exception list. If that doesn't help or you don't use any sort of security software there might be a permission issue with your BE Service directory or the files within it. To solve this delete the BE Service directory (usually "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\BattlEye") and then try to launch your game again. If you still get the same error at this point please try to manually set the BE Launcher (for ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead: "ArmA2OA_BE.exe" in your game directory) to run with administrative privileges (normally this should happen automatically). To do so right-click on the BE Launcher executable, choose "Properties", go to the "Compatibility" tab, check the "Run this program as an administrator" option and click OK to apply your changes.

If you still can't get it to work some unknown software running on your system might be blocking BE somehow. If you cannot determine the cause we can only suggest a reinstallation of Windows.

백신같은거 끄세여. 아니면 그 백신에 예외처리로 배틀아이 폴더를 넣어주세여. 보통 위치는
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\BattlEye
임. 그래도 안되면 배틀아이를 관리가 권한으로 직접 실행해주세여(보통은 자동으로 일케 됩니다만).
속성에서 관리자권한으로 실행 체크해줌 댑니다.
이래도 안되면, 뭐가가 배틀아이 실행을 막고 있는거니까 그걸 찾아서 꺼주시고, 그걸 못찾겠음
윈도 다시까세여
구글검색을 생활화 합시다.
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