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[발번역]큐티마크 크루세이더즈에게 물어봐!! -150-
게시물ID : pony_38581짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 설사
추천 : 7
조회수 : 932회
댓글수 : 6개
등록시간 : 2013/04/01 12:56:54

The following event should not be normally visible by the fourth wall.

(That means what you're about to see could just be a mere product of your imagination.)

Pinkie: Remember what I am about to say...

            Out of this room... The fourth wall is everywhere yet nowhere.

            It can see us... It can hear us...

Pinkie: Legends say that it cannot see exactly everything: It has a very limitated observation time...

            But still, it is able to move back and forward in time... 

            and, sometimes it is even able to observate many places at the exact same time.

Pinkie: There IS a way to elude it, though... As I do...

            ... It's pretty simple... You just need to know a teensy-weensy little thing... and keep it in mind.

Pinkie: ...But knowing this secret could give your little young minds a terrible, dangerous and hurtful reaction...

Sweetie: P-Pinkie Pie... Y-You're scaring us...

AB: O-On second thought... Ah don't think we wanna know more about it...

Scoot: Spill the beans already! What's this secret? We don't have all day.

Pinkie: the secret...

Pinkie: ...is that we don't exist.

큐티마크 크루세이더즈에게 물어봐!!

핑키 뭐래는겨 동심파괴 쩌네

도데체 어떻게 진행하려고...

내용이 점점 희한하게 가서

저도 전편 링크 걸고싶은데

링크 걸기에는 편수가 미묘하게 많은듯. ;;

핑키가 나온 뒤로 번역이 미묘하게 어려워졌네요. ;;

오역, 발번역 지적해주시면 감사드리겠습니다. ^^;

출처: http://ask-thecrusaders.tumblr.com/

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