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My Time At Portia 7월 패치 예고
게시물ID : gametalk_354025짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : ↕永久童精
추천 : 3
조회수 : 2295회
댓글수 : 6개
등록시간 : 2018/07/05 08:46:42
Throughout Early Access, our aim has been to release new content regularly and our development team are working hard on the next update. We are aiming to release new content by the end of this month – and we will let you know a date ASAP!
7월 말 쯤에 나온다네요. 왜때문에... ㅜㅜ

Here’s a quick look at what’s coming to My Time At Portia very soon…

Starlight Island
In the next update, we’ll continue the story and introduce you to a brand new location – Starlight Island! We don’t want to give too much away about this new location, as you’ll be able to discover it for yourself, but here’s a sneak peek at some concept art for Starlight Island.

새로 추가되는 장소입니다. 낚시꾼 토디가 사랑해마지 않던 스타라잇 섬입니다. 등대섬이었네요. 음... 이곳은... 6월 업데이트의 영향 때문에... 으음...

A new pet
We know that lots of players want to be able to keep another pet, so in this update we’ll be adding an adorable dog! Just like other characters, the dog will have its own unique storyline and missions. If you complete them all, you’ll be able to keep the dog as a pet!

QQ, Pinky 에 이어 개가 애완동물로 추가됩니다! 드디어 개다! 중앙광장에 개찾는 벽보에 나왔던 개가 드디어!

We’re also adding in some new items that your dog can play with!

핑키의 캣타워, 스크래치기둥, 고양이집에 이어
개를 위한 가구류(?)가 나왔습니다.
QQ는? QQ는?

Riding Llamas
In the last update, we added the ability to catch, tame and ride the Colourful Llamas. You could also ride the Cotton Llamas, but we hadn’t finished this feature completely. So, in this update, you’ll be able to tame the Cotton Llamas too! Whilst they might be more challenging to tame, these particular llamas have maximum attributes.

칼러풀 라마를 특정 수 이상 죽이면 나오는 목화라마를 테이밍해서 타고 다닐 수 있습니다.
랜덤하게 풀스탯의 라마를 테이밍할 수 있습니다.

A new holiday
We’ll also be adding a new holiday to My Time At Portia. We don’t want to spoil anything, so we’ll let you experience this one for yourselves!

새로운 휴일이 추가됩니다. (개인적으로는 에밀리의 이벤트에서 나왔던 수박 씨의 데뷔가 있는 가을 축제였으면 합니다. 뭐 봄, 겨울 축제는 있으니까
여름, 갸을 축제 둘 중 하나겠지요.)

And in case you missed it - we’ve been working on optimising the game to run more smoothly too. You can read our previous news post for more information on this.

That’s all for now!

월말까지 뭐하고 놀지?
출처 https://steamcommunity.com/games/666140/announcements/detail/1698303218384009881
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