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장문주의) 아마존 환불 답 메일 해석 도와주실 분 계신가요?ㅠ
게시물ID : overseabuy_2791짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 김첨지아내
추천 : 0
조회수 : 707회
댓글수 : 2개
등록시간 : 2015/11/27 11:32:23
  • 창작글
올해 9월 미니언즈에 미쳐 아마존에서 미니언 미니어처를 총 20만원어치를 질렀습니다.
다른것들은 다 무사히 도착했는데 유독 한 녀석만 트래킹 넘버도 안뜨고 오래걸리더군요.
알고보니 미국에서 오는게 아니라 홍콩을 경유하고 오는 거더군요.ㅠㅠ
그리곤 11월달이 다 되어도 그녀석은 나타나지않았습니다.
아마존 홈페이지를 확인해보니 이미 배송 완료라고 뜨더군요 제손에 들어온건 없는데 ㅠㅠ.
비록 제일 적은 금액의 물건이였지만 이때까지 기다린 시간이 아까워서라도 환불 받아야지 하며  못하는 영어 다 끌어다 써서 메일을 보냈건만
답신에는 [일주일만 더 기다려달라 만약 일주일이 지나도 물건을 받지 못하면 환불해 주겠다.]
일주일후... 물건은 오지 않았고 다시 메일을 보냈죠. [물건 아직도 안왔고 나는 많이 실망했다 환불해 달라.]
그리고 어제 답신을 받았는데 그냥 환불해 주면 될 것을 이놈이 새 물건을 보내주겠다고!
판매자하고 말이 안통하는거 같아 그냥 아마존에 [난 새 물건 받기 싫으니 그냥 환불해주세요] 라고 보냈고 오늘 답신 받았습니다.
짧은 이메일은 대충 읽을 수 있지만  장문 독해는 힘든지라 ㅠㅠ 부탁드립니다.
빨간 글씨로 된 곳이 제가 알고싶은 부분입니다.

I'm sorry to know that you have not received the package for your order #114-3349851-7815402 yet. I can understand how disappointing this must have been to you.

I've checked your account and found that you have already contacted the seller "ytov" regarding this issue, which was a correct step to do, but seller has not provided you the correct resolution.

I've forwarded the details you sent us to our investigations team. Each report they receive is investigated and the appropriate action is taken. However, we won't be able to release the outcome of the investigation. If you'd like to send more details to this team, please use the form below and choose the "Report a violation of our rules" option:


I'd love to file an A-to-z guarantee claim on this order to issue you a full refund but to file a claim, we must first verify the last for digits of your credit card used on the order and it's expiration date and since giving this information is not safe via email.

I'd request you to please file an A-to-z guarantee claim on this order form your own side. You can file a claim by entering your order number (114-3349851-7815402) here:


If you're not able to file A-to-z guarantee from your side then please contact us via Phone or Chat so that we can assist you in filing an A-to-Z Guarantee Claim. We're available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week :

“Please visit the following link and select either the 'chat' or 'phone' option:


Please be rest assured that we are here to make things easier for you and we'll take every action to prevent you from bearing any loss.

However, if you require an immediate reimbursement, I can give you below mentioned options:

1.) We'll reimburse you the order total in the form of promotional credits, which you can apply when you place an order for an item shipped and sold by Amazon through the Shopping Cart.

2.) If this solution is unacceptable, we'll issue the refund for the order total by refunding the amount to your else other order which you directly bought from Amazon or fulfilled by Amazon.

Please choose the above selective option as per your concern.

Please visit the following link to provide the information we requested:


I realize that at this point of time asking you to contact us again would be disappointing, however, we would really like to assist you better.  Once we receive this information we can take further action.

Please be assure that we are always here to assist our customers. Every customers is valuable for us.

If you need further assistance, please let us know. We'll be happy to assist you.

On a personal level, I highly appreciate your patience, cooperation and understanding in this matter. It is our privilege to have you as our valued customer & we want to make sure you are always taken care of.

Thanks for your cooperation. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

We'd appreciate your feedback. Please use the links below to tell us about your experience today.

Best regards,
Swagat K
어떻게 해서든 환불 받고싶습니다 . 도와주시면 정말 감사드리겠습니다.
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