We’ve come a long way, but we’re finally approaching The End of the 1.9 snapshot series and are starting to work closer towards a full release.
긴 시간이 었어요, 그렇지만 드디어! 1.9 개발버전의 끝! 1.9 정발에 도달하고있어요
We’ve now got almost all the features we wanted for 1.9 done and stable, with a few minor balancing and polishing tasks left to do. In the coming weeks we will focus more on performance, stability and bug fixing.
우리는 1.9에 원하는 기능들을 거의 넣었어요, 벨런스 맞추기와 몇몇 일만을 남겨두고있어요
앞으로 몇주간은 우리는 퍼포먼스,안정성,버그픽스에 초첨을 맞출꺼에요
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