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게시물ID : jisik_207809짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 옛날얘기
추천 : 0
조회수 : 478회
댓글수 : 0개
등록시간 : 2018/07/04 01:06:29

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Sample Answer 1:
I think this is an easy topic for me and I be able to speak about one such recent event when I had to wait more than an hour in a very long queue. Thank you for this nice cue card topic.

It would not be more than 3-4 months ago and it was just before the Christmas and New Year time. On a Sunday evening, I went to a supermall near my home to do some necessary shopping. I spent almost 45 minutes to pick up all the essential items and the number of items was more than usual! Then I approached to the checkout point of the mall. While shopping, I noticed that many people were shopping and most of them were shopping for the Christmas and New Year celebration. Due to this, the crowd seemed a bit larger than usual. However, as soon as I reached near the checkout point, I was overwhelmed. I had no idea how large the queue in this shopping mall could be!

There were more than 5 checkout points but each of those was surprisingly crowded. I could not decide which queue to stand in! Strangely I was people behind me who were forcing me to go ahead and I had no other alternative but to stand in the nearest queue. I actually counted the number of people who were also waiting in my queue ahead of me. IT was probably 21 or 22 and I got quite anxious to leave the shopping mall as soon as possible. The cash registers and the sales persons were very busy and most of the customers' shopping carts were full.

At a point of my waiting in this long queue, I thought to put back my items on the shelves and leave the shopping mall. However, I discarded the idea as those items were important for me and my family. Many items were for the Christmas and the New Year celebration and I could not leave without buying these items. Moreover, I thought all other shopping centres would also be crowded at this time of the year. After 30 minutes or so I started playing games on my mobile phone. I did so for about half an hour and then I noticed that the line in front of me had become smaller. On the other hand, the number of people behind me had grown to more than 50. Most of the people were shopping for the two major approaching festivals and all of them were waiting in the queue peacefully. The air was filled with the aroma of the festivity and people looked happy and cheerful even though they had to wait in a very long queue for a long time. This thought calmed me and after approximately 25 minutes I paid my bill and the salesgirl wished me merry Christmas. I greeted her back she apologised for the long waiting. I told her that I understand and it was not a big problem for me. However, I knew how irritating and tough it was to wait for such a long hours in a large queue. As soon as I got back to my car and started the engine, I felt much better and I was happy to finally have my shopping done!

Sample Answer 2: 
Thank you, sir/madam, for this nice cue card topic. New Year is ahead. Marking the celebration of the day, a wide number of preparations are underway. I wanted to meet my parents living in Belgium and thus went to buy a ticket for me at the Frankfurt Central Station.

I went to have a ticket for the train to Belgium in the morning today. Everything was perfect and I started from my dormitory I live in Germany. But I was surprised at the long queue that exceeded the train station building. It was unusual. In fact, everyone was in rush and came to book their tickets for New Year. They were planning to move to different places and accordingly came to get the tickets in advance. Usually, people celebrate the New Year and other occasions with their family and near and dear ones. So, they travel places which are really good experiences for all.   

The queue began from the ticket selling counter and was increasing in moments. Luckily I could manage a space to stand in the middle of the queue. To my utter surprise, I found that the queue was increasing to a great extent. Later I came to know that the ticket-selling stopped for a network related issue and even before the beginning of the sale, peoples started to form the queue. Amid a huge rush, the people present there wanted to secure their seats and berths on the train. Journey by train in Germany is enjoyable and comfortable as well. Most of the Germans love travelling by train as it is a hassle-free way of transportation. In other cases, journey by bus or air inside the country is really hard. It is extremely difficult to manage passes or tickets for air or buses. Reservations are done even a month before the date of journey.  

Everyone wanted to have their tickets to move inside the country. It is really comfortable to move with family members and friends on the train. Besides, arranging for the tickets or train passes is also easier than the other modes of transportations. So, if someone needs a train ticket, s/ he moves to the trains station as early as possible to get it without any trouble. But on such major occasions, there are some undesired events found in the train stations. Standing in a long queue is one of them. It happens for some of the specific reasons. Firstly, the ticket sellers need a specific time to issue a ticket for a single passenger but when all the ticket selling counters are busy, the network crashes. So, it takes time for the network to restore and start the selling. Hence, everyone had to wait in the long queue.      

Waiting is always annoying to me and if it is in a queue, the matter turns worst. Actually, I have heard of such long queues but never experienced before. So, it was also a new experience too. Thereby, I enjoyed the standing. On the other side, I felt a cramp in my leg for standing so long. I had to wait for over two hours in the queue. Besides, there some senior people in the queue as well who were the worst sufferer. Finally, we all got the tickets once the network was restored and planned perfectly for the desired journey.

More Ideas to talk about this Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card topic:

Topic: Describe a time when you had to wait in a long queue.

1. Right before the cricket match between India and Australia, I had to wait in a long queue. It was a very long line that I could not see the end. In fact, everyone was about getting their entry tickets to the stadium here in Australia. It was a high voltage match between the top two teams in the world. But waiting in the queue was not bad for me. I talked with different people and came to know about many issues. It was a nice experience for me indeed.

2. Collection of the admission form for my younger sister made me irritated. I had to wait in a long queue. Around two hundred people were standing after me and I failed to estimate the number of people standing before me. In fact, admission to a reputed college like this one requires a good result from the students’ end, and the parents or guardians need to wait in the queue. I had to collect the admission form for her as dad denied to collect it for his official engagement on the same day. I felt bored.

3. The local theatre hall, here in Paris, was filled with audience. But I had to stand in a long queue before entering the hall. The gate was supposed to open at 6.00 sharp but the authority opened it at 6.30 pm. The people who arrived at the theatre hall formed a queue before the entrance. But none could enter until the gate was opened. I was one of them. So, I had to wait in the queue for over half an hour. But the moments passed by talking with the other people and I heard many interesting remarks about the show from them.

4. In last Diwali, I went to Mumbai from Kolkata and had waited in a long queue to collect the train ticket. It was my first visit to Mumbai by train and so I was thrilled. But the long queue made me frustrated. Over hundreds of people were in the line to get their respective tickets for the train. Besides, the sellers inside the booth appeared working too slowly. So, it was taking more time to sell tickets to a single individual. I was irritated with the matter but waited patiently till my turn appeared.

5. Meeting with the Prime Minister is a matter of luck but I was invited to meet the Prime Minister of my country, Pakistan. But I had to wait in a long queue to meet the Premier. It was a courtesy call with the Prime Minister with all the journalists. And as a potential reporter, I got the luck to meet the head of the state. There were hundreds of people in the queue and I was in the last section of them. I did not feel any monotony to wait in the long queue because it was a special day in my life.


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