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게시물ID : london2012_20681짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 사색하늘
추천 : 1
조회수 : 998회
댓글수 : 1개
등록시간 : 2012/08/13 08:50:19




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영어 잘 모르시겠다 싶으면
대충 제목이라도 Rising Sun Flag = Swastika (욱일승천기=나치기)
라고 써서 사진 주소 붙여넣어서 글 보내주세요!

★뱌바님이 올려주신 항의글 (앗항항님 수정)
In the stadiums where the Japanese football game was held I could not help but notice the Rising Sun Flag, the symbol that represented Imperialist Japan during the Second World War. The Rising Sun Flag in Asia is equivalent to that of the Swastika in Europe, and I cannot comprehend why the use of this flag was not banned in many of the games in the Olympics where it was frequently spotted among the crowd. The IOC must recognize that by allowing the use of this flag, they are reminding many Asians of the past acts of aggression and atrocities committed by the Japanese.

★깊고맑은마음님이 올려주신 항의글
Everytime an event with Japan occurs, the RIsing Sun Flag is waved as well. This flag represented Imperialistic Japan during World War 2, and as such is a similar symbol to that of the Swastika by Nazi Germany. Many Asians find this flag to be degrading and insulting to them. Therefore I implore that this flag be prohibited. Do not allow this symbol of past aggression to be waved an event that is to promote the Spirit of Compeition.

★승ㄹ1님이 올려주신 항의글 (글이 1000자 넘어가기 때문에 개인편집요망)
I was so shocked while watching the men’s soccer game of 2012 London Olympics between Korea and Japan on Aug/11th.
I saw on TV that some fans were holding the flag of the Pacific war. As you know, this flag is also well known as the Rising Sun Flag, which was used by Japan during the Pacific war. It refers to Japan's justification for war crimes. Basically, it is exactly the same as the Swastika which is the symbol of Nazism.
As everyone knows, war crimes are catastrophes in human history, and bringing anything that could refer to war crimes should be strictly banned since this behavior is against the beautiful spirit of the Olympics. I feel very sad that IOC has not taken any proactive action to ban bringing these sorts of things to the stadium. As a result, many people around the world saw that symbol and were reminded of the pain caused by the Pacific war.Although this shameful event has already happened, I strongly believe IOC could solve this problem by banning this offensive symbol of war crimes from future games to prevent any further reoccurrences.


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