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박종우 동메달 박탈은 2ch에서 시작한거
게시물ID : london2012_20416짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 궤이
추천 : 1
조회수 : 968회
댓글수 : 1개
등록시간 : 2012/08/12 14:18:20
Dear sir.
Accoding to the after the game and during presentation of bronze medal match of the Men's Football.
A Korean player was walking around the ground with showing very clear political message regarding.
the conflict of territory between Korea and Japan.
I am so disappointed because I have thought.
Olympic is the brightest stage for wishing peace all over the world.
I think IOC or FIFA should need to be given for players or Korean national team something collected punishment
to preserve the noble dignity of Olympic.

▼ 항의 대상

http://www.fifa.com/contact/form.html http://www.fifa.com/contact/form.html

Conflict with the Olympic Charter by a South Korea player

Dear IOC and FIFA,
Just after the game of men's football bronze medal match
Mr. Park Jung-Woo of the South Korea football team showed
a clear POLITICAL message board: “Dokdo is our teritory”.

This is a massage on a highly charged political issue between
Japan and South Korea. His action clearly goes against the noble
aims of the Olympics and conflicts the Olympic Charter. He is a aims of the Olympics and conflicts the Olympic Charter. He is a
terrorist destroying the festival of sports and world of peace terrorist destroying the festival of sports and world of peace
without any doubt.
I think IOC and FIFA should investigate immediately on the problem.

이런식으로 몇만명 2ch 쪽바리년들이 보냈음.


그러니 저런사태가 올 수 밖에 모든지 피해자인척 쩌는 쪽국들.


우리가 가만히 있어야되나

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