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게시물ID : humordata_2027576짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 변비엔당근
추천 : 6
조회수 : 2935회
댓글수 : 3개
등록시간 : 2024/10/26 22:36:29

이게 주로 시간제로 일하는 사람한테 일어나는듯 한데

자기 스케줄이 갑자기 없어 지는 거예요.

메니저 한테 물어 보면 답이 없어.

직장 가도 내 스케줄 없음.

그러다 지쳐서 안 감.

그러면 직장에서는 니가 일하러 안 왔다 하면서

해고가 아니라 그 사람이 그만 둔게 됨.

왜 이러냐 하면

employment insurance 안 줄라고요.

그 밑에 대답한 사람이

지속적으로 출근하고

메니저 한테 계속 연락하고

이런걸 모아둬서

나중에 노동청에 고발 하라고 함.

Can  my employer at my job fire me and not notify me that I have been  terminated? I went to check my schedule and it told me that I can no  longer access the schedule, and I tried texting my manager about it, but  he didn’t respond. Is that even legal?

Age  old trick in the US. They stop putting you on the schedule and stop  communicating with you. When you go to file for unemployment, they say  that you failed to show up for work, thereby quitting, making you  ineligible for unemployment. Or, suddenly, you have a couple hours on  the schedule again. They play this game until you get tired of it and go  away.

Is  it legal? Probably not. Does it work? Yes. Most people just get another  job and go away. The manager keeps you off the unemployment rolls,  which saves the company money.

If  you want to fight it, apply for unemployment. Save everything. Save all  of your texts. Save anything they text you. Check the schedules  religiously and show up for work if you are scheduled. Apply for  unemployment and go through the entire process. Your employer will deny  the claim, saying you failed to show for work, thereby quitting, but you  have your documentation for the hearing.

You can also contact your state’s (If this is in the US) Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division, for advice. It’s free.



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