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사진有)저스틴 비버 성매매사건 논란에 대해...
게시물ID : star_198180짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 새로운달
추천 : 12/4
조회수 : 3809회
댓글수 : 191개
등록시간 : 2013/11/07 00:41:13
비버 팬들 현실을 안보고 자꾸 뭘로 까여서 불쌍하다느니... 게이라고 놀림받는다느니... 이런말 하면서 물타기하는데
성매매 업소간건 루머가 아니라 사실입니다...
이거 또 빠들이 닥반해서 아무도 못 보는건 아닐지 걱정되네요^오^

Justin Bieber caught sneaking out of "brothel" in Brazil under white sheet 

The 19-year-old singer has been rumbled trying to sneak out of what is claimed to be a popular Brazilian brothel while draped in a white sheet
Is that you Justin?
Is that you Justin?
Uh-oh. It looks like Justin Bieber's just chipped (hacked) away at another gleaming layer of his floppy-haired sweet boy image.
On Friday, the Baby singer was caught trying to sneak out of popular Brazilian "brothel" Centaurus with the help of his burly minders who covered him in a white sheet.
The 19-year-old then jumped into the back of a waiting car and was joined by two females from the club, claim reports.
An insider says Justin believed he was a guest at a private club.
According to one website, Centaurus is listed as the "Top 4th" brothel in the world, and says "$210 buys you 40 minutes with any girl".
Although the controversial singer is draped in the sheet, part of his well-known wrist tattoo is on display.
Justin, who's in Brazil for a string of gigs, also apparently got chucked out of his hotel - the swanky Copacabana Palace in Southern Rio - but a source says he voluntarily left because the gathering hordes of fans were creating a "security issue".
The singer was hustled out of Centaurus by burly minders
This isn't the first saucy trip that's landed Bieber in the headlines. Two weeks ago, he was was pictured flashing large wads of cash in a Texas strip club.
A rather star-struck dancer from the club then posted a message on Twitter, which the whole world (anyone who cared) later saw.
"He touched my Ass and I Almost fainted, she wrote. Shortly followed by, "He Was Like Its Real!!"
With his new bulging biceps and six-pack, wispy moustaches and latest x-rated trips, we think he's doing a bloomin' great job at dusting off his old image.
We have contacted a representative for Justin for comment.

Check out all the latest News, Sport & Celeb gossip at Mirror.co.uk http://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/justin-bieber-brothel-scandal-teenager-2672676#ixzz2jsZfFjiQ
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출처는 위의 주소 보이시죠?
비버 손목 문신 사진
위의 시트에 Centaurus 라고 선명히 적혀있네요...
그리고 Centaurus라는 성매매 업소에서 나오는 사진...
제가 이런 글을 올리게 된 이유는 오늘 저스틴 비버에 관한 글을 읽었는데 어떤분이 성매매한 애라는? 댓글을 다셨더라구요.
뭐 좋은글에 초치는거라 반대먹는건 이해를 합니다만...
그 밑에 성매매가 루머다~ 이런식의 댓글이 와장창 있길래
저는 정말 몰라서 그러는줄 알고 친절히 사진과 함께 댓글도 달았는데 닥반먹더라구요 ㅎㅎ...
그 밑에 성매매 업소 간 것이 루머라는 기사까지 올리시면서 쉴드 치시던데... 그 글에는 아니라는 증거? 라는것이 전혀 없고
그저 루머를 바로잡는 사이트(확실한 정보가 아닙니다.) 라는 말과 함께 기사 전문(사진도 없음)을 긁어온다음에
성매매는 루머라고 하시길래 EXO시즘하러 왔습니다.
뭐 남자라서 비버깐다고 이러실까봐 한마디 드리는데 저 남자아니구요. 여자입니다.
그리고 오유가 그런 경향이 좀 심한데 누가 글을 올리면 그게 맞는지 아닌지 일단 확인부터 좀 하셨으면 하네요.
요즘 세상이 얼마나 좋은데... 그냥 구글에 검색하고 엔터만 치셔도 나옵니다...
깔건 까고 빨건 빨아야 진정한 팬이 아닐까요?

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