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반한시위한게 뭐가 문제냐?어떤 미국인이...
게시물ID : sisa_113521짧은주소 복사하기
작성자 : 견자웅손
추천 : 12
조회수 : 1628회
댓글수 : 1개
등록시간 : 2011/08/26 14:20:21
Japanese pop culture actor Sousuke Takaoka recently Twitted his sentiments concerning the Korean wave (Hallyu wave) on Japanese television. He basically was not in favor of what he says is an increase in Korean entertainment on Japanese television and he noted Fuji TV for this. For expressing his thoughts on the subject the entertainment agency he worked for, fired him. This upset and caused the ire of like-minded Japanese citizens. Early in August, 2011 a rally was held in front of Fuji TV to express their displeasure with the television station. People carried Japanese flags and sung the national anthem, the Kimigayo. Because of the flags and song they were labeled, "right-wing" and / or "nationalist." Huh? In the USA singing the national anthem and waving the America flag does not belong to "right-wingers." It belongs to all people within the political spectrum. Love of country should be the property of all citizens of a nation. The nation's anthem and flag should not be in the exclusive realm of a political philosophy or allowed to be thrown in that direction. The people at the Fuji TV rally for the most part are not "nationalist," they are patriots. Patriotism and not nationalism is good for all countries. Patriots in Japan are labeled nationalist or right-wing by those who deplore love of nation and attempt to shut down such love by name calling. It does not work! Non-violent political activism is healthy for any representative democracy, and should be encouraged not discouraged. It is good to see citizens to get away from or put down their electronic devices and physically gather with like-minded citizens to express their views -- bully for them! 21 August, 2011 there is another planned rally in front of Fuji TV. People who plan to attend bring your flags and your video cameras. Video cameras? Sure, this way you can video large groups and ask them to say together, "really" ("reeeaally"). This is a shameful plug for my contest, shame on me. Then please post these videos as a response to my contest video: "Really a contest about 'really.'" Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVC_wAazDkE The contest video will also be posted as a video response to this video. Back to the subject: The Korean wave on Japanese TV, what's the problem? In order for those shows to be on Japanese TV that means a whole lot of people in Japan are watching those programs resulting in advertisers paying to advertise on those programs. If the viewers were not there, the advertisers would not advertise. While Japan and South Korea are pointing fingers at one another over pop-culture, their big Asian nation, the commies in China are increasing their belligerent behavior. The commies recently launched an aircraft carrier. To deter commie aggression the Philippines recently announced increase military spending. What is Japan and South Korea doing? Worrying about pop-culture. The nations of Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan should put aside what divides them, and concentrate of what unites them, that being the growing belligerent and menacing behavior of the commies in China. Sorry folks it has to be said (and written). 저 미국인의 이름은 토니며 유튜브에선 PropagandaBuster(프로파간다버스터)란 이름으로 활동하고 있습니다. 저 동영상 내용은 저번 일본내의 반한류 에 관한 자신의 의견인데 후지티브 앞에서 시위하던 시위대는 극우와 관련없는 평화적인 시위대이며,일본 배우 타카오카 소스케의 반한감정에 태클을 거는것은 표현의 자유침해이며, 마지막으로 한국은 아닥하고 일본과 같이 중국이랑 싸워야 한다는 논리입니다. 일단 시간도 없고 저놈 동영상 보면 혈압올라서 저 위에 영문은 고수분들께 맏기겠습니다. (저인간 참고로 골수 친일파에 극우로 수 많은 반한,친일 동영상을 만들어 유튜브에 올렸습니다.)
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